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Meet the Dancers
Sonny Perry


Sonny Perry got his first big break on his high school dance team where his Jazz teacher, Henry, introduced him to his greatest talents, music and dancing. Later, after choreographing numerous country music videos, stage productions, amateur dancesport competitions, and after acting in local and national commercials, Sonny moved from Nashville to Los Angeles to continue his work in entertainment. Here Sonny is a successful dancer, a published singer/songwriter from his work in two great rock bands, "Overstand" and "Moral Groove", a United States National and North American Professional Rising Star American Rhythm Finalist, a working actor, and a very experienced teacher of dance. Sonny has studied various forms of movement via dance, theatre, sports, and music to enhance his abilities as a Ballroom and Latin American coach.

With a current, extensive resume of work for TNN, MTV, CMT, VH1, Sonny still finds time for school, his many wonderful students and his music. Sonny has a degree in Broadcasting and is a Professon or Ballroom Dance at SMC.

Contact Info.

Sonny Perry
Perpas Productions
Telephone: 310-405-1890

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thesonnyperry
Website: www.sonnyperry.com

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