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American Style Waltz
Cross-Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
18. Cross-Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Cross-Body Lead to Underarm Turn to Left
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Style Waltz
Aliases:Cross-Body Lead to Inside Underarm Turn
Left Box (Reverse) Turn, Side Hesitations, Open Break & Underarm Turn to Right, Open Cross-Body Lead

The Underarm Turn that follows Cross-Body Lead is similar to the 3-count Underarm Turn to Left (fig #16), but takes place during the man's LF Forward Change rather than 4-6 Reverse Turn or Promenade Close. It is followed by a figure that begins with a side step in either closed or open facing position, such as a RF Side Hesitation, Side Whisk to R., or Open Break & Underarm Turn to R.

The Cross-Body Lead is used to open space in the dance position in order to facilitate the Underarm Turn to L. Therefore the Open Cross-Body lead will be the version required to accomplish this. The lady's rotation at the end of the Cross-Body Lead provides additional impetus to set the Underarm Turn in motion.

Following the Cross-Body Lead, the man dances a LF Forward Change while leading the lady to turn to her left under a LH-RH hold, followed by a side step on his right foot. The lady dances 3 pivoting steps, RLR, followed by a side step on her left foot. She turns a total of 1 & 1/2 to left between the last step of the Cross-Body Lead and the side step following the underarm turn. When the turn is complete, the couple can remain in open facing position or return to closed position.


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