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The meaning of cvmp in Standart?
Posted by Lina
9/5/2007  11:35:00 AM
What means cvmp in Standart dances?
Re: The meaning of cvmp in Standart?
Posted by Ahnungsloser
9/7/2007  6:33:00 PM
You probably mean CBMP (Contra Body Movement Position)?

best regards

Re: The meaning of cvmp in Standart?
Posted by Serendipidy
9/7/2007  7:17:00 PM
CBMP. Is that the shoulder is in position and the foot goes across the body to that shoulder. This is a must if we step outside of our partner. This is not the only place that CBMP is used.
Quote. From the book. Contary Movement Position CBMP is the position attained when either foot is placed across the front or the back of the body without the body turning. It is therefore a foot position. Even the novice should remember that every step outside the partner, or with the partner outside must be placed across the body in CBMP to ensure that the two bodies are kept in close contact. End of quote.
Re: The meaning of cvmp in Standart?
Posted by Semberlyn
2/8/2015  1:11:00 PM
I think you may mean "Cross Body Movement Position" (which is more a movement than a 'position'.

This refers to a step in which the moving foot is place across the line of the foot that is still. More specifically, the foot crosses over the line while the torso remains facing forward. To achieve this effectively you need to pull up out of your core to allow the hips to move more freely.

It's a bit difficult to describe in words (without using too many of them); however, if you do a search on "CBMP" rather than CVMP you should be able to find a good video example on youtube or somewhere on the World Wide Web.
Re: The meaning of cvmp in Standart?
Posted by nloftofan1
2/9/2015  8:53:00 AM
CBMP (contra-body movement position) is a foot position in which the moving foot goes on or across the path of the other foot. One result is that it puts the body in (approximately) the same orientation relative to the feet as CBM (contra-body movement)--this is probably the reason for the name. Guy Howard's (IDTA) book says "The placing of the stepping foot, forward or back, onto or across the line of the other foot, giving the appearance of CBM having been used, but without turning the body."
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