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Studios vs. Independent Instructors
Posted by Anonymous
6/5/2015  4:18:00 PM
I started dancing at a franchised studio, but I had to leave beacouse it was way too expensive. I currently take lessons at an independent studio, I am wondering if it is more affortable to dance with an independent instructor. I do not plan, nor do I have plans to leave my studio any time soon, this is just something I've been curious about.
Re: Studios vs. Independent Instructors
Posted by ballroomchick
6/8/2015  12:40:00 PM
What is it you want out of your dancing? Do you just want to be able to move at a wedding? Do you want to dance well at all social parties? Do you want to compete once a year locally? Are you highly competitive and want to make the last elimination rounds at The Emerald Ball or Black Pool?

You need to really check out your local instructors.

- How long have they been dancing?

- Who have the taken from? Are they just watching instructional videos or do they get coachings as well, and by who? Look up those coaches, see who they are and how well they have performed.

-What has the instructor done - what have they accomplished? Only teach wedding dances, but tells you they can take you to compete at the Emerald Ball and you can hold your own.

- Does the instructor even inspire you to dance like them?

- How well do students like this instructor?

-How well do these students dance? Check out their showcases. How well do they place at competitions?

So "Tami / Tim" who just hung up a shingle as a dance teacher and are still learning the basics themselves should not be charging very much. BUT how much will you learn from them?

If you looking at taking lessons from Corky or Shirley Ballas expect to pay in the 3 digit numbers per hour.

There are a TON of instructors who fall in-between these 2 extremes. This is an expensive hobby, you HAVE to be choosy. Do your homework and make sure you are paying the right person to get you where YOU want to go. Sometimes you "test drive" a few instructors to find the right connection.

Re: Studios vs. Independent Instructors
Posted by ladydance
6/8/2015  1:15:00 PM
To answer your question, is an independent instructor less expensive? The answer is it depends on the instructor. One good thing about an independent instructor is (sometimes) you can negociate a price that you can afford because they pay floor fees to the studio where they teach and they can charge what they like or what the market can bear. I doubt you will find anyone much cheaper and if they are, there is a reason and I would stay away. Do not be afraid to talk to your instructor if you find it difficult to pay for lessons. It is an expensive hobby and there is nothing wrong with setting limits. At the studio where I work, there are all sorts of private arrangements. We would rather discount lessons than lose the client forever. Some are students, some are seniors, some want to take more than one hour a week and need a break in price.
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