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Ohio starball
Posted by hammertech
12/16/2002  8:59:00 PM
Do they still show the ohio starball on T.V. If so do you know when?
re: Ohio starball
Posted by blrmdncr2000
4/17/2003  9:15:00 AM
Being from Ohio, I heard the rumor that it wasn't going to be taped/Shown on T.V. due to them over spending on the September 11 coverage and specials on war and all of that. Personaly i think we can do away with some of these specials, every channel has them. But what channels have Dance? Well I know of one ! Good Life TV Network has older dancesport comps on during the day. They are an hour long and show some of the prelims and all of the finals. Check the Good Life website to see it if is available in your area!
re: Ohio starball
Posted by championdancesport
5/3/2003  10:08:00 PM

The OSB was not taped last year by public TV, as it had been for many years. My understanding was that a change in personnel brought forth a new programming specialist who ousted OSB from the budget for last year.

Undoubtedly it is missed by many dancers...but more importantly this was a blow to US dancesport in general as it was a great community outreach for dancesport among non-dancers! Some cable stations...oxygen, WE, lifetime, good life...still show some dancing...and I understand that some local stations on each coast do coverage as well.

We can only hope that KCPT gets plenty of complaints about losing dancesport coverage. And, I'm sure that Sam Sadano is not content to let it just slip away...so keep your fingers crossed for Sammy
re: Ohio starball
Posted by Jonathan Atkinson
12/20/2002  8:36:00 PM
No PBS taping was done. Curious to where all those donations went to though.

I imagine they'll go towards next year's comp. They may not have been able to air it this year or last, but they haven't given up on televising it yet.

Rumor has it.....
Posted by TheDitz
12/17/2002  1:37:00 PM
No PBS taping was done. Curious to where all those donations went to though.
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