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Re: Diffrence?
Posted by bee
7/18/2005  9:40:00 AM
I am learning both American and Argentine - I see them as two very different dances which happen to have similar names.

It is interesting that you think the Argentine Tango is less versatile than American tango. My experience is just the opposite - American tango really demands music with that instantly recognizable stacotto (I know, my spelling is bad). while I love listening and dancing to Argentine tango music - I have seen, and I have danced, the Argentine tango to many different types of music, including "soft rock" ballads. I have even seen it danced to swing music - but that loses a lot of the feeling I like about the dance.
Re: Diffrence?
Posted by jerryblu
7/18/2005  2:21:00 PM
Hmmmm... You look like you are replying to me, so I'll answer, even tho I dont see how I implied that "Argentine Tango is less versatile than American tango". All I said is that when you go to a dance, it is rare to hear the Argentine tango played. I dont yet dance it, so I am pretty ignorant about how to dance it to 'many different types of music, including "soft rock" ballads'; perhaps I"ll ask a dance teacher how that works.

I agree that the two are very different. And I am planning to learn Argentine tango because I love its look and passion.
Re: Diffrence?
Posted by bee
7/18/2005  3:58:00 PM
It is a beautiful and expressive dance, and it is challenging to learn. I can see why people get so enthralled by it that they travel to buenos Aires, etc.
Re: Diffrence?
Posted by BioSimon
12/15/2012  2:25:00 AM
If the question is about the tango argentino compared to international tango:

Obviously, the music is different. International tango is usually danced to a steadily rhythmical interpretation of the music, with a stictly defined count of beats per minute. In tango argentino, however, nothing is standardized and there are different styles of music, usually associated with certain dates and orquestas: some are rhythmical (D'Arienzo, Biagi..), some romantic and soft (Caló), some very elegant (Di Sarli, Sassone) and some extremely elaborate (Pugliese). With different musical style also the style of the dance changes. What some call nowadays the "milonguero" style is most likely to be danced to D'Arienzo, while Di Sarli is often chosen by dancers who prefer the elegant walks of a style called by some "tango de salón".

Another big difference is that the international tango, even when danced in a social context, heavily relies on a syllabus of standardized figures. Socially danced tango argentino is usually improvised. Figures may be used as a tool to explain and teach techniques, but the goal is to actually get away from figures and to learn to improvise. This is one of the reasons why a syllabus would not make much sense here. However, there are commonly used names for frequently used movements and combinations which, again, show a great variability.
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