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Re: Medal day nerves
Posted by operabob
11/17/2005  3:54:00 PM

Last year Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova returned for Snowball in Vancouver, BC.

During the rumba in the finals they waited until every other couple had started and when they did start it was basic figures with the most incredible precision and strength.

Difference between people like them and mere mortals like myself: I run around trying to learn every advanced figure possible so I can perform them badly while they perform the basics to perfection.

Best price I've found on the Donnie & Gaynor King & Queen series is about $100 US. By the time I calculate duty and exchange in it's through the roof.

Re: Medal day nerves
Posted by Don
11/17/2005  11:40:00 PM
Operabob. Im glad you mentioned the bit about learning too many variations. Most seem to get bored doing the same groups ( any style of dancing ). If a dancer would concentrate on there technique it isn't boring. Only yesterday I saw an interview with former film star and dancer Anne Miller. She said that she was a perfectionist, and rehersing with Fred Astair he was also. She didn't mind how many times they repeated or re- shot a scene, she would continuously try to impove her technique. I could spend as long as it takes, just to do a Feather and Reverse if I am given something to work on. Not just breeze through it. A very recent top eight in the world latin
said. If you are adding a new group, practice it for at least three months at varying speeds before introducing into your routine. A Japanese couple on TV was asked by Donnie Burns. How many hours a day do you practice , seven he said. And how many days a week do you do this . The answere seven. I've that one on tape. A latin couple I know a few weeks before a major comp. Would do a twenty minute jog to the studio. Dance twelve of each dance. cool down with another five Rumbas, then a brisk walk home six days a week. All there oponents were doing likewise. I think that might be the way to mortality.
Re: Medal day nerves
Posted by operabob
11/18/2005  8:40:00 AM

Actually I'm a perfectionist too (just lack perfection LOL!).

I can practice figures over and over each time focusing on some different aspect or aspects in combination.

My wife, on the other hand, is not as driven that way as I am and tires quickly. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just her make up.

Still we work well together.

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