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Re: really?
Posted by East Coast
7/27/2006  1:38:00 PM
billy--I thought you might have been in your 20's because you speak in a mature fashion. Contemporary dance is wonderful if you know you are goingto dance on stage the rest of your life. You are actually preparing yourself with ballroom dance..for the rest of your life. Lets say that you are 30 or 40 and you are not dancing professionally and you still love to dance, you can find partners for the rest of your life 40, 50 , 60 and 70. Hard to imagine now but you are actually making a great investment for your future. Weird isn't it. But while you are young do all the stage and performance dancing you can. If you don't like that, go with the ballroom side and you'll just have to continue to go to shows and meets to see who you can meet that is your own age. let me know when you meet that person. should be interesting
Re: really?
Posted by ballroom_billy
7/28/2006  10:36:00 AM
well, i am trying to convince my mom to take me to a social tonight but i am not positive she will. we just got a puppy so... yeah. anyhow, how do i find out about meets and shows? i dont take classes from a studio so i dont hear about them from my class but is there another way? and do you have any other advice on how to meet people my age who actually want to do ballroom?

ballroom billy
Re: really?
Posted by East Coast
7/28/2006  6:30:00 PM
If you are not connected to a studio, who is teaching you? I don't know where you live but go to www.dcdancenet.com and this is on the east coast but you can hook into the events around the country. See if you can place your name on a list to have a partner your age...partners looking for partners. let me know what you found. Have MOM help. I am sure she knows about this stuff too. Did you go to the social? How's the new puppy?
Re: really?
Posted by ballroom_billy
7/28/2006  7:14:00 PM
i am taking a community learning class with the local community college. i live in the san diego area... west coast. no i did not get to go to the social, but there is an open class at the same place on sunday... i'll try to see if my mom can take me to that one. my mom likes the ballroom dancing, but isn't that into it. she is also taking the comunity class and wants to keep taking it, but is not at all interested in a studio, and i, of course, cannot pay for lessons at a studio on my own. and i am too young to get a job. oh well, i shall keep trying and stick with the classes i can go to... hopefully i can go to some socials and maybe find a partner. thans for the advice.

ballroom billy
Re: really?
Posted by east coast
7/28/2006  8:55:00 PM
go to http://www.young-dancers.org/main.html
Re: really?
Posted by insideout_55
7/29/2006  6:30:00 AM
If you are really passionate about dancing, do things yourself, don't wait for your parents. If they see that you are dedicated enough, it will be a sign to them that it would be worth it to drive you somewhere or pay for a couple of classes. Use Google, the yellow pages, etc just like you would look for anything else. Ask around, be resourceful. People aren't going to do things for you! If you start working hard now it will pay off in the end. Believe me.
Re: really?
Posted by insideout_55
7/29/2006  6:32:00 AM
forgot to mention- a lot of studios have group classes for young people which cost less. Also, there might be a partner for you at another studio.
Re: really?
Posted by ballroom_billy
8/8/2006  6:40:00 PM
thanks, guys, for all your advice. i am getting info on studios in my area, and hopefully i can find a class that isnt too expensive. i have not yet goe to any socials... still hoping though.
thamks again!
ballroom billy
Re: really?
Posted by basmusiq
3/21/2007  12:48:00 PM
yea i have taken some modern dance, its fun
Re: really?
Posted by ballroomdancer33
9/11/2009  10:50:00 PM
I am interested in modern and contemporary dances. I think the lines and movements are more liberating and have more depth compared to other dances.

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