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Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Anonymous
11/20/2006  6:59:00 AM
"I do find the word twist when it said don't do it and that is just once."

I can't find the words "don't do it" or any negative recommendation in the book. What I do find is a recommendation to preferentially emphasize swing - but that is not in any way a prohibition of twist.

"In Latin it is possible to turn around our own centre or around a centre between two bodies in otherwords we go around each other. In Modern we never do this."

Your knowledge of modern is rather limited...

"We do go around a common centre because the two centres become one"

You are making the mistake of trying to combine the travel and the rotation into a single curved action. It doesn't work that way - you have travel, and you also have an indepent rotation superimposed on it. Unlike it the situation of an airplane flying through a slipstream, the rotation and travel of a dancer's body are not physically linked.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Quickstep
11/23/2006  1:16:00 AM
Anonymous. In the Samba we do go around our partners Circular Voltas man turns around the lady to the right, the lady goes leftwards. That is going around our partner which for obvious reasons can't be done in Standard..
On a forward part of any turning figure it is more important to feel a forward swing rather than a conscious twist of the body on the first step. It should be remembered that the first step is the strong step. and from the swing of this step it should be possible to take a wide second step.
You try that if you twist on the first step. Don't blame me . I didn't write the book. How does that affect your Double Reverse Spin.
I was the first to to try to explain what a common centre is. I said that the mans centre is his shirt buttons. The lady the blouse buttons. When we join together we form a different centre which is a common centre.
To get to the main point we do not twist our spine ever. That was the issue. We keep our spine straight not twisted. Go and see Alex.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Anonymous
11/23/2006  7:53:00 AM
"In the Samba we do go around our partners Circular Voltas man turns around the lady to the right, the lady goes leftwards. That is going around our partner which for obvious reasons can't be done in Standard.."

Try fleckerels...

"On a forward part of any turning figure it is more important to feel a forward swing rather than a conscious twist of the body on the first step."

Which is a recomendation to priortize swing, but in no way at all any sort of prohibition of twist!

"You try that if you twist on the first step. Don't blame me ."

Do it all the time... works great, and it is precisely what the teacher asked for.

"How does that affect your Double Reverse Spin."

Already answered that for you... try rereading some of my previous answers to your repeated question.

"To get to the main point we do not twist our spine ever."

you won't be much of a dancer until you discover that we actually do, quite often...
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Quickstep
11/23/2006  10:09:00 PM
Anonymous. I'm beginning to beleive that you may be turning into your step at the beginning and not at the end. Like turn at the end of one . Don't turn at the beginning. If you read Alex Moore which you have read, what is he saying when he wrote that the step is forward without a twist of the body.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Anonymous
11/24/2006  7:35:00 PM
"Anonymous. I'm beginning to beleive that you may be turning into your step at the beginning and not at the end. Like turn at the end of one . Don't turn at the beginning."

This is precisely where the twist comes from - you can't turn the topline until the end of one, but you do need to have a hint of turn somewhere at the beginning of one to set up the turn. That somewhere is in your legs and hips - a slight turn there, with none in the top, creates a small but important degress of twist in the body.

"If you read Alex Moore which you have read, what is he saying when he wrote that the step is forward without a twist of the body."

Don't change his words. He did not say "without" twist, he said tha that the swing was more important. And he is right. But that doesn't make the twist unimportant.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
3/31/2008  2:10:00 PM
This is an old one. I think anonymous was getting muddled up with CBM and calling it a twisting of the body..
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by anymouse
3/31/2008  3:15:00 PM
"This is an old one. I think anonymous was getting muddled up with CBM and calling it a twisting of the body.."

CBM would be twist free if the entire body (well, the trunk) all turned at the same time at the same rate.

That's not what real teachers will ultimately ask you to do. Instead, they will want the turn to manifest at different times and rates in different parts of the body core. Thus, twist.

But this is an advanced concept that's not going to be there in the first presentation to newer students.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
3/31/2008  11:35:00 PM
It is the International style of Standard and not Latin that is being discussed. If you can tell me exactly on a Feather Step for instance where there is a twist in the body, I take it that a twist is when the upper body is turned and the pelvis isn't., or vice versa.
I believe Terence had something to say just recently about the Left shoulder leading has been amended to Left side leading.
It is easy to see how the mistake took place with some book readers.
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by phil.samways
4/1/2008  2:32:00 AM
I hope this post appears in the correct sequence.
Twist in foxtrot feather step....
I don't see how a good feather step can be performed without twist.
The feet must point along the line of movement , but we're dancing outside partner. There's only so much rotation of the pelvis that you can do before the feet must move out of this alignment. But the upper torso can rotate relative to the pelvis to make the upper line look more attractive. Hence twist, or 'torque'.(torque isn't strictly the same as twist - torque is a force, whereas twist is a position - but torque is a good word here because i feel i have to supply a force to keep my upper body in shape)
Re: To Torque or not to Torque
Posted by Serendipidy
4/1/2008  1:32:00 PM
Phil. We might add this straight from the technique book. It should be noted that the amount of turn is now measured from the position of the feet .
For me twisting of the spine is. With feet parallel turn your shoulders to the right and your hips to the left. A very uncomfortable position to be in.
An instance of how the amount of turn is assessed can be taken from the first three steps of a Natural Turn for the lady in the Waltz.After stepping back diagonally to the wall on the first step, her second step is placed to the side with the Right Toe pointing down LOD. ( the body is still facing digonal to the centre ). The amount of turn is given as three eighths of a turn, although the body has turned less. On the inside of the turn the feet are always placed with the toe pointing to the required position and there is no swivel of the foot.
Another page under CBM. Care must be taken not to turn the shoulders independently or an ugly dipping motion will result.
Under Alignment . There are three terms used in conection with alignment. They are facing, Backing and pointing. Facing and Backing are self explanatory. Pointing is used on side steps when the foot is pointing in a direction different from which the body is facing.
Forward turn to the Right. Step forward on the RF at the same time swing the Left hip and shoulder forward. Hip and Shoulder
I didn't realise that untill just now the charts in Moore's book are each square is 2 foot by 2 foot and every effort has been made to keep the steps to scale.
Back to the twisting of the spine. There is nowhere that I can see where it tells a student to twist the spine.
If I were to twist my body. Ask your partner does she feel she is being asked to go to two different directions at the same time. I think she will say yes. Good luck

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