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Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  6:59:00 PM
You still haven't figured it out, Quickstep.

The feather will carry over into the second measure exactly as far as the prep step carried into the first measure. Different couples may have different carryovers, but nobody dances with the abbreviated timing you accurse them of.

There is no shortening the feather to three quicks - if you actually time the interval, you will see that the feather gets a full four beats.

They just aren't beats 1-4 of the first measure.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/7/2007  7:11:00 PM
I was asking Jonathan.
You Anonymous do not have a tape obviously. If you have you are incapable of counting. The four quicks are also being used after a Change of Direction which allows us to keep in phrase with the music and not dance on 34 12.
So that I know you understand. How would you do a Change of Direction into a Feather Step and be in phrase..Tell me or shut up..
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  7:20:00 PM
"I was asking Jonathan."

Try doing some searching then and you'll see what he's already said on the subject.

"You Anonymous do not have a tape obviously. If you have you are incapable of counting."

Get yourself over to your old thread and look at the numbers, measured off of world-finalist competitors (the first being my best guess at who YOU were nominating as an example) that I posted.

Still trying to argue with those INDISPUTABLE FACTS???

"So that I know you understand. How would you do a Change of Direction into a Feather Step and be in phrase..Tell me or shut up.."

Quite tossing in extranoues issues to cover you own mistake.

For the recond, I would dance my last step of the COD (if going into a feather) essentially the same as my prep step when starting the dance.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/7/2007  7:41:00 PM
Then you are on the wrong beat. And will enter your Reverse movement , what ever it may be on the incorrect beat. Lets make it simple. An Open Telemark. Surely you don't deliberately dance it 3 4 1 2. How about a Double Reverse. In a class starting at the Double Reverse. The teacher doesn't call out with the music the first step as 3 4. She says with the music 1 2. Doesn't she. Then what are you doing dancing on 3 4. which will happen with your timing in the Change of Direction. You have such a lot to learn.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  7:51:00 PM
"Then you are on the wrong beat. And will enter your Reverse movement , what ever it may be on the incorrect beat."

Well, I'm in good company with the likes of Mirko Gozzoli, and Andrew Sinkinson, and pretty much everyon else whose every won anything. All of us drift our last quick out well more than a beat - 1.5 beats at the short end, nearly two beats at the long end.

Ever considered that perhaps YOU are the ODD ONE OUT?

"Lets make it simple. An Open Telemark. Surely you don't deliberately dance it 3 4 1 2.?

No, it would be closer to 234.5 But even that is far too crude to represent what actually happens. You were given real world measurements for the basic foxtrot figures on Jonathan, on your nominee and another top dancer. Why do you persist in IGNORING THEM?

"In a class starting at the Double Reverse."

A teacher whose students aren't yet ready to learn real-life foxtrot timing should probably not be trying to teach them how to do waltz figures in foxtrot time, but instead should be working with the classic foxtrot figures. Or were you talking about a waltz class? Waltz timing has a whole different basis of course, much closer step on the beat than is generally appropriate for foxtrot first and third steps.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/8/2007  1:22:00 AM
Please explain 234.5. Do you mean the ladies timing which is different to the man's for a Double Reverse in the Foxtrot... Ladies 12.3 and 4. Where does the 5 come from. You sometimes lose me.
At Level 1. The Double Reverse Spin is in the Foxtrot Syllabus as well as the Waltz. It is not in the Quickstep. Timing may be used only as stated in the technique book at level 1. It would seem after that you can please yourself in competition.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/8/2007  7:09:00 AM
"Please explain 234.5."

I mean that the first step of a feather might land closest to beat two, the second step right on beat three, and the third step on "beat four and a half"

But that's still a crude approximation. Suffient to demonstrate that you are grossly wrong, but not nearly as accurate as the timings of actual dancers that you were given.

Until you stop thinking of trying to step on any beat other than beat three, you just will never understand the foxtrot...
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/9/2007  3:17:00 AM
What is the use of music playing if we are not going to dance to it. You can change the steps all you wish but you cannot change the music which is playing.
Slow is the first step, two beats. the next two steps are quicks. If I want to alter the timing to all quicks. Then I must use one beat, a quick on the introduction. If anybody can think of another way. Then lets hear it.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by GUEST
2/9/2007  6:21:00 AM
I understand your frustration while you are trying to learn the basic stuff. But as your dance progresses, you will learn it is possible playing with music.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/9/2007  6:25:00 AM
"What is the use of music playing if we are not going to dance to it. You can change the steps all you wish but you cannot change the music which is playing.
Slow is the first step, two beats. the next two steps are quicks. If I want to alter the timing to all quicks. Then I must use one beat, a quick on the introduction. If anybody can think of another way. Then lets hear it."

Quickstep, you simply do not understand the dance called "foxtrot"

It is not a RHYTHM dance, in which stepping on beats is stressed. Instead, it is a BODY FLIGHT dance, where we honor the music by moving our body (NOT OUR FEET) in time with it.

To do this, to fully reflect the trend of the music, we need a continuity of motion that is simply incompatible with placing the second quick on a beat.

WHICH IS WHY NOBODY PLACES THE SECOND QUICK ON BEAT FOUR. To put it there would NOT BE MUSICAL - it would reveal an obsession with feet that betrays an ignorance of the nature of this family of dances - which ARE NOT ABOUT THE FEET.

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