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Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  7:04:00 PM
"Afterwards he gave a little talk in which he said. never marry your dance partner. Statistics show it wont work. You know something. He was dead right."

Sometimes you just have to take your chances.

After all, if you go by statistics, marrying anyone may be a bad idea - the odds that it works aren't that much better.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  8:43:00 PM
I have heard of a dance teacher in Texas that has married and divorced
three of his students. This must be some type of record. Maybe one shouldn't marry his dance student or partner.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  4:29:00 PM
"Nothing good comes from divorce, unless the person is being physically abused in some way."

"I look forward to not reading anymore ignorant comments from you."

Well talk about ignorant! You just slandered every remarriage that ever happened, without knowing its situation.

And worse, you just condemened every issue of such a remarriage.

Is any child born of a second marriage predestined to the eternal flames?

Or have you merely forgotten to THINK before you opened your big mouth?
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by borntodance
2/7/2007  5:15:00 PM
Anonymous: Please don't put words in my mouth or misconstrue what I wrote. I did not 'slander EVERY remarriage that ever happened'. We're talking about this particular situation. I know there are extenuating circumstances in some divorces and remarriages. But no matter what the reason, divorce is very hurtful and damaging to everyone involved, especially children. And who said anything about 'eternal flames'???
I'm sorry if that's the kind of God you serve.

If this innocent wife remarries when this is all over with, I believe she can and will have a successful life and 'remarriage', maybe better. It may take a while for her to get over this, but healing will come in time. After all, she had no choice when the husband left, and she probably will have no choice when/if he divorces her.

And yes, we live in a 'free society', and we can do as we please. But if we make poor choices in life, it will come back to bite us. That's life. You can't tell me there aren't some things you'd like to do over in your life, or take back some painful decisions you've made after you look back. We can grow from our mistakes, but the pain will come first. I did not put that law into motion....God did. And again, I said nothing about 'eternal flames'.

So please don't pretend you know what I'm about or what I think about every remarriage. YOU are the one who needs to 'THINK before you open YOUR BIG mouth'. You might want to get some eye glasses, too.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  5:49:00 PM
"Anonymous: Please don't put words in my mouth or misconstrue what I wrote. I did not 'slander EVERY remarriage that ever happened'. We're talking about this particular situation."

Oh really, then I suppose you were careful to contain your remarks to that, and not make a general statement applicable to all situations.

Let's see, what was it your said?

"Nothing good comes from divorce, unless the person is being physically abused in some way."

Looks pretty universal to me!

Face it, you oppened your BIG MOUTH WITHOUT THINKING and now you realize how FOOLISH it made you look.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  8:15:00 PM
Maybe we expect too much from our dance teachers. Most only have a high school education at best. Their main education is in dance. Most live in some type of isolated bubble that includes other dancers. Most can talk ok since they are required to teach, but their skills with handling students, the public, and other problematic areas are not so good. They are still put on a pedestal since most can dance well. But their life and other skills may be sadly lacking. There is one high level breed of teacher that teaches competition and coachs competitors and then there is the entertaining studio clown pros. Dance teachers are really just regular guys and what skills they have are mostly limited to dance only. We should't expect much from them. The shenanigans expressed on this thread probably is a sample of the goings ons at most dance studios.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by billymarsh
10/3/2012  7:16:00 AM
I think some of you are missing the point. It seems likely that the relationship started while she was a MINOR and he was a teacher at her school.

If she was just a regular 18 yr old girl that he met at a gym then it's nothing illegal about it. Creepy? yes but that's their lives.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by billymarsh
10/5/2012  7:26:00 AM
My dance teacher hates me .?" - Find the ... rude she is . 4 minutes ago; - 4 days left to answer. ... Language games for high school students.
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by Nanron
2/7/2007  11:39:00 AM

These comments are so American - and so wrong.... why is the woman's JOB, his LOOKS and the fact that someone was chasing someone part of the 'problem'? She obviously was interested in a shy quiet man. His relationship with his wife was not as strong as it was thought to be, and so she stepped in and acclerated the process. Why not be happy for them? Of three people, now two are happy. That's a good percentage, don't you think?

Looks and income only have meaning to onlookers - true love does not take into account bank accounts ...
Re: Dance teacher leaves wife for student.
Posted by maori-chick
2/18/2007  4:01:00 PM
that is so stupid im mean something like that has happend here in hastings before but the teacher wasn't a dance teacher at all she just had an affair with a student because they were in love and she got put away in jail then 20 years later they got married and had 3 childern togeather.

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