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Posted by Dolores
2/13/2007  4:11:00 PM
How do you do the Hustle????
Re: Learn
Posted by anon
2/13/2007  8:21:00 PM
Hustle is a much harder dance to learn correctly than I realized. It's fast, but one needs to make it smooth and slow to look good. Lot's of specific technique that's a must to learn. Very few people do Hustle correctly. The music is long, you need lots of patterns to enjoy it, and both parties need to be doing good technique for it to feel right. There are 4 or so big competitions nationally that good teachers do workshops. There is a Mad Jam in Arlington, Va. on March 3rd and Miami Hustle-Salsa in May. You are dead in the water without a good Hustle teacher. Most good teachers live in New Jersy, NYC, Philadelphia, Miami, and Washington DC. Artie Phillips is considered one of the best. Google his website for dvds and information.
Re: Learn
Posted by DennisBeach
2/16/2007  7:08:00 PM
Around here most people teach and do a slow single time swing as Hustle. Having seen real Hustle, I realize that is incorrect. Do you know who puts out some good beginner and intermediate Hustle tapes? It looks like it would be fun and challenging to learn it correctly.
Re: Learn
Posted by anon
2/16/2007  11:26:00 PM
You will be very limited with learning Hustle by using tapes. Arte Phillips website has some dvd's on social and competition dancing. Hustle is a little informal with the syllabus or technique. There are probably only about 10 good Hustle teachers in the USA. They are now trying to develop a syllabus and some type of standardized method to teach the dance. The beat now is definitely &123. You have to learn first how to do the &1 correctly--it is tricky to learn.
no subject
Posted by tangotime
6/30/2007  7:07:00 AM
There is a syllabus in both Latin and 3 count-- its been so since 1977 with latin and about 1980 with 3 count .

I participated in the original congress , when latin hustle was being introduced , and debated , by teachers .
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