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Re: Useless?
Posted by anon
2/18/2007  4:12:00 PM
I have worked hard and spent much $ to get my dancing to a certain level. Then my partner decides to have other priorities, so this puts me back to square one since this is not a solitary activity. But, I found another partner, luckily, but I have to pay--the partner is a pro and a perfect match. The partner seems to be stable, reliable and not moving away anytime soon. I know some dancers that refuse to dance amateur due the instability of partners. I am now thinking now how much I can improve with this partner taking 2,3 or 4 lessons a week? I am very fit, athletic, healthy, take great care of myself--with good health how long can this last? Fred Astaire danced until he was in his seventies. Lots of older dancers just stick to International Standard and skip Latin.

I don't want to teach or try to get into the business--it's just a serious hobby that I continue improving at. Partners come and go, but it makes a big difference if you have a good one.
Think I may have lost some interest in dance if this above mentioned partner hadn't come along. You never know--by losing one partner, I picked up a much better one.

I dance mostly for the dancing and the challenge. Sure I make some friends, but not that many since most of the time out dancing you don't talk that much or sometimes don't even catch their names. I definitely have favorite social dancers that work at, take lessons, and are constantly improving.
Re: Useless?
Posted by maori-chick
2/19/2007  2:40:00 PM
i know how you feel because that what happens at school with me. i don't know what to do. everyone at school are mean to me and i hate that man life does suck.
Posted by Katherine
12/16/2005  8:42:00 PM
Does anyone feel like you work so hard for dance because you love it so much but know nothing will ever come of it... No security. Nothing.

Is it useless to spend so much time, money, and effort on something that won't support you in the future?
Re: Useless?
Posted by Don
11/13/2006  10:50:00 PM
John. Excellent advice, absolutely spot on. I will add my little peice to the benifits of dancing. When I am in the studio practising, for the couple of hours I am there all my daily troubles are forgotten and are gone. I am able to turn my whole attention to my dancing.
Re: Useless?
Posted by John
12/17/2005  5:43:00 AM
Katherine. You may not get any financial support ,or though this may not be true,but what you do get is good health,longevity,less medical conditions,less visits to the Docter or Hospital and the less likly of wasting away in an old age home. You also get to meet people,learn to work through your problems,build character and see a project all the way through to it's end,all good assest to get ahead in this world. The financial gain is being fit enough to do a better job than others and advancement in your chosen career,to spend less money on prescription drugs,cigarets and booze,as most dancers are not know to drink that much. I sure I could go on. Happy Dancing and a Merry Christmas John.
Re: Useless?
Posted by Laura
12/17/2005  9:43:00 AM
If you look at is a a job or preparation for a career, then it is pretty useless. But if you look at it as a hobby, something you do because you love it, something you do because you enjoy it, something you do because it brings you self-satisfaction and excitement, then it is very useful. People need things in their lives that bring them personal challenges and fun and beauty. Dancing brings all that and more!
Re: Useless?
Posted by constance
2/18/2007  3:46:00 PM
Nope I dont I dance because it can give me frredom and I love what I do just have something to fall back on that's all.
Re: Useless?
Posted by constance
2/19/2007  2:46:00 PM
I would agree with both Don and John as I have been able to avoid going to the doctors or the hospital alot more.
Other then the passion for the dance you can also have fun as you can incorporate your daily life with dance.
Re: Useless?
Posted by VA Dancer
5/15/2007  4:35:00 PM
Oh no way. Dancing is for a life time. I am in total disagreement. You know, you can be 60, 65 and 70 years old and you never have to be alone. At least in VA there are dance centers everywhere. But not only that, if you move anywhere in the states you can find a ballroom. I say always take care of your body. Stay as slim as possible and more in shape than out of shape. Keep smiling and keep on dancing.
Re: Useless?
Posted by Iluv2Dance
5/15/2007  10:28:00 PM
Nice to see, Don and Laura writing to the Message Board again.

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