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Re: How it has changed
Posted by Quickstep
3/31/2007  4:47:00 AM
I dont know how that message left home. I was going on to say that i have most of your quotes. The one i am fasinated by is that you have said That on a backward lowering step TH must become flat before the departing leg retracts. Exact copy. Is your aim still to establish sufficient doubt in the mind of other dancers who seriously want to improve. There is more but the soccer is just starting got to go Liverpool V Arsenal.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Anonymous
3/31/2007  4:50:00 AM
"The one i am fasinated by is that you have said That on a backward lowering step TH must become flat before the departing leg retracts."

Yes... that's how it's done. Watch videos closely and you will see it a lot, even on some of the ones here if I recall correctly.

"Is your aim still to establish sufficient doubt in the mind of other dancers who seriously want to improve."

When they are being exposed to nonsense, yes, my goal is to get them to think critically, by doubting everything until they understand why it is true.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Quickstep
3/31/2007  5:56:00 PM
A Backward Walk man or lady. The heel of the supporting foot lowers to the floor as the moving foot passes it. Nobody ever told you any different. No qualified teacher would teach anything but the above. The way to accomplish this is not with a partner at first in a close hold. Either on your own or right palm to right palm. If there is any nodding of the body which will cause a change in the pressure on the palms which should stay constant Untill you get that right how can anybody do it in a ballroom hold. My teachers can go full bore a Feather Reverse Three step and Natural with the hands down by their side . Just the conection with the bodies. I can't' and most likely never will. But what I will do is put in that road work. Somebody mentioned Ray who I believe is living in LA since moving from here years ago. He said , he was talking about Latin. We should do as many Rumba Walks as a Marathon Runner does miles on the road in their training. Theres a guy who did get 10,000 people to watch a major dance competition. Back to the walks.We with walks in Modern should also be doing the same. Improvement garanteed.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Anonymous
3/31/2007  11:51:00 PM
"A Backward Walk man or lady. The heel of the supporting foot lowers to the floor as the moving foot passes it."


Obviously, they are different actions and will have DIFFERENT DETAILS.

"Nobody ever told you any different."

They most certainly did! But you wouldn't know anything about that, as you can't be bothered to schedule lessons with any real teachers; instead you are content to ASSUME that you know everything from books and videos. I on the other hand book lessons (with a lot of the people you love to misquote) and ask literal questions about these things...

"No qualified teacher would teach anything but the above."

Your gross ignorance simply proves that YOU HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY HAD A LESSON WITH A fully "qualified teacher"

Stay an ignoramous if you like; the rest of us are busy imporving our dancing, under the guidance of the best teachers on the planet.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Quickstep
4/3/2007  5:58:00 PM
No qualified teacher will teach anything that is not in the technique books. Which ever one they are working from. The books do not say that the supporting heel will lower to the floor before the moving foot passes under the body. If you do lower before the foot arrives you are falling away from your partner. What has happened is as the man has lowered the whole of his foot to the floor he will find his partner already gone.
But of course if you are one of those that sends their nose in front of their toes. The lady will be pushed over. No teaching book will tell you to dance this way . Qualified teachers. Who are you kidding. Must have bought their credentialls over the counter in there local supermarket.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Anonymous
4/3/2007  8:46:00 PM
"No qualified teacher will teach anything that is not in the technique books."

That sentance pretty much proves that you've never met a REAL DANCE TEACHER... because if you had, you'd join my in rolling on the floor laughing your waistcoat off.

"If you do lower before the foot arrives you are falling away from your partner."

Not if you do it right you won't. One of the constraints for doing it right is to be doing it at a rate that SUITS YOUR PARNTER AS WELL AS YOURSELF.

"What has happened is as the man has lowered the whole of his foot to the floor he will find his partner already gone."

No, if he did it properly, and she is any good, she will be right there with him.

"But of course if you are one of those that sends their nose in front of their toes."

Not just nose, but whole body - if you had any clue about it, you really wouldn't characterize it as the nose, as the projection of the body is so much more obvious in the center than in the head.

"The lady will be pushed over."

Not if you do it right. On the other hand if you don't do it, you'll create a huge gap between the partners, or a PAUSE in what was SUPPOSED TO BE A CONTINUOUS MOVEMENT.

"No teaching book will tell you to dance this way."

Pretty funny, as that's exactly what alex moore describes - sending the BODY FIRST.

"Qualified teachers. Who are you kidding. Must have bought their credentialls over the counter in there local supermarket."

I think they won them in this little coastal resort town actually. Blackwater or something like that
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Quickstep
4/5/2007  3:03:00 AM
I somtimes try to stand your side of the fence and figure out how is this going to be done by this person, or for that matter anybody else. I can understand premeture lowering which is a common mistake. But for the life of me I cannot figure out how you can say the body, the body being that part above the hips, I think that to you is your body. But there we have an argument straight away. That is not where the majority of the weight is. But any way. With your knees bent to an angle of 45 degrees how do you get your weight over the front of your base to be the furtherest part forward without toppling over. By all means drive your spine which is your centre forward but it will never overtake your foot.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Anonymous
4/5/2007  10:34:00 AM
"But for the life of me I cannot figure out how you can say the body, the body being that part above the hips, I think that to you is your body."

In some cases that would be true.

But it's simple enough to figure out when the discussion is over the difference between what the body does vs what the feet or legs do, that the body is everything except the feet and legs.

"With your knees bent to an angle of 45 degrees how do you get your weight over the front of your base to be the furtherest part forward without toppling over."

By keeping moving and driving towards where the next foot will land (although it is not yet there). You obviously cannot stop in this projected, which is to say off balance, position, but you do have to go through it if you wish to accomplish the character of the dances other than tango.

"By all means drive your spine which is your centre forward but it will never overtake your foot."

You are looking at it the wrong way around. It starts out ahead of the foot. The foot then catches up and overtakes it.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by NtFalling
4/5/2007  6:50:00 PM
Anonymous. Sir. Your weight goes from your heel to the ball of the foot. For want of a better and for this only that is where the body will stop and the foot goes ahead. i did say ahead and not behind the body.
Re: How it has changed
Posted by Anonymous
4/5/2007  9:33:00 PM
"Anonymous. Sir. Your weight goes from your heel to the ball of the foot. For want of a better and for this only that is where the body will stop and the foot goes ahead. i did say ahead and not behind the body."


The weight does not stop in the ball of the foot - it keeps right on going PAST the foot.

If the weight stopped in the ball of the foot, then the movement would be in stops and starsts. Anybody can see that this is not the character of the swing dances - they have continued smooth movement!
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