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Re: Rumba Count
Posted by LuvLatin.
4/13/2007  7:17:00 PM
Dennis. I wonder how this one got back on the calendar. With some people I think the slows and quicks are here to stay. Anybody who is serious about their international style of Rumba would be well adviced to steer clear of slows and quicks. I was reading that initially in Modern the count was always 1234. Then it was decided that to use the words slows and quicks might help a beginner At that time they didn't have the Russian language in mind, or that of Outer Monglia.
Not knowing, but i would take it that in any of the styles a slow is two beats and the quicks one beat..Transfer that to the International Style and we have 23 41. Three steps and four beats. The beat one is, in the Basics, a movement of the hips only. The foot does not move on the count of one.
Those of you who are into Salsa may dance their forward step on beat one and your hip moves on four. You may or may not know that Salsa has the same Latin Motion. And you have in the Basics three steps and four beats. By the bye. some people wonder why the Modern Tango is not classed as a Latin dance. It is because there is no Latin motion in the Tango. Argentine Tango or otherwise. Interesting isn' t it.
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by gaz124
4/15/2007  7:18:00 AM
International Rumba is 2341 and American Rumba is either Slow Quick Quick or Quick Quick Slow. Why is there a difference in the American Rumba count in different studios or schools?

In my opinion, and it is just my opinion, i dont really think that the style of count matters too much. The important thing is that the footfalls correspond to the beat of the music and that you enjoy the dance because after all dancing is all about enjoyment at the end of the day.
Re: Rumba Count
Posted by Quickstep
4/17/2007  4:29:00 PM
Gaz 124. You can answer your own question. If a Slow is used that is two beats. a Quick is one.
If we dance the international timing and started with a Slow. That would be a shift of the weight to the right side or slightly forward on the count of 4 1 or slow. If we danced the first step as a quick we would be stepping forward with our left foot.. Replace weight on three and to the side on the slow which is 4 1. In both cases the forward step is one beat or quick on the second beat of the bar of music.
If you were to watch Donnie Burns in his setup before the music starts playing. He stands with his LF in front of the right just as though he has taking one walk. He moves the right foot forward on the count of one. Another international competitor teaches the set up with the RF forward and the LF behind and steps straight forward on the second beat with the LF ignoring the first beat. Both ways will be dancing on the correct beat. None of them seem to like a right foot out to the side and roll over on 4 1. If you do it that way you will still be on the correct beat. Donnie Burns went on to say that even before the music starts playing he as a judge is already scanning the couples. If a couple were sitting on their haunches and only came to life when the music started . He is already looking elswhere.
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