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Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by anymouse
6/9/2007  1:41:00 PM
"Embarassed by your obvious snobbery, of course."

Well I'm embarassed to be associated with an industry in which minimally trained people are paid a pittance to teach students who are paying a small fortune for the privilege of "studying" with them.

Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by anymouse
6/9/2007  9:41:00 PM
"Unbelievable! You people embarass me...someone asks a simple, polite question (which is NONE of YOUR business), and you all jump to criticise her. Just get over yourselves! I too am a competetive ballroom dancer, and I CHOOSE to use professional coaches...but dancing is for EVERYONE! People can learn however they choose, and if they can pass on what they know...more power to them."

If they were seeking knowledge for their own interests, or to give away, that's one thing. If they are charging to teach a subject they learned off a video, that's in moral terms getting very close to fraud.

And yes, as members of the dance community, the opposing the proliferation of clueless "teachers" is very much our business.

Do I expect this potential teacher is going to be learning only from videos? No. But the way the question is asked, makes it clear they aren't receiving enough in-person guidance to be building real teaching qualifications.

A potential teacher should either be focusing on the bronze material to build the quality of their detailed understanding (if they are going to be teaching soon... which is unfortunate but happens - this is all they will be teaching. The fraction of students working beyond bronze is miniscule, adn the new teachers won't get them), or they should be out gaining experience as a student and amateur competitor themselves, then start over from the basics in 5 years or so and review everything for purposes of teaching it, seeing it all again, only through eyes that now have enough experience to know what they should be looking for.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by mlh
6/9/2007  7:55:00 PM

Please stop them.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Administrator
6/9/2007  10:26:00 PM
I don't think there's any reason to stop anybody here. This is actually a great topic for discussion. It's compelling, and both sides present a reasonable argument. What better a topic could there be for a message board?

This is one single thread with many different participants, so it's not the same "hijacking" problem we've had in recent months. Everybody involved has stayed on topic and presented reasonable arguments. So no matter how frustrated you might be, it's still your business to counter their argument; It's not mine to block them simply because they disagree with you.

This is a perfect example of why I was so hesitatnt to start taking a more proactive role in moderating the message board in the first place. I don't regret having done so... It was a necessary step to purge the garbage that was clogging our pipes. But now that I've taken that one small step, I fear a slippery slope in the expectations of our participants. Now every time someone posts a message that might be construed as arrogant, snotty, angry, crazy, wrong, etc., I'm sure I can expect to hear pleas for complete expulsion of the offending author.

Here's the bottom line: I intend to continue to moderate the message board as little as possible. Spamming, flaming, hijacking and other offensive activities will not be tolerated. Occasionally certain topics or users may be banned in order to deter such activities. But differences in opinion do not qualify as offensive. Even when those opinions are different than my own.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by anymouse
6/9/2007  11:21:00 PM
Well said Jonathan, it has been an interesting debate/discussion.

Something that regrettably got lost in the argument is the diminishing marginal utility of the higher syllabus levels.

Having examples of the basic actions available to look at and discuss is great. But given those, students who are at a level to seriously work on the more advanced figures almost don't need to see them, because they have the ability to apply the lessons apparent in the basic figures to most of the problems of the advanced ones.

There is one notable gap in the coverage though: the basics of the american continuity style. That's different enough from the bronze forms to be very nearly different dances, and so its inclusion might be of more benefit than anything else. Some of the necessary ideas are on display in the international vidoes of course, but the promenade ideas and open turns aren't there, and having them would be a good reference for both styles.

Still, the first handful of basics that is there is of more benefit than the majority of variations that are missing, because in the end it's about ideas not figures, and most of the key ideas are represented.
Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by Administrator
6/10/2007  12:04:00 AM
You may be right. Unfortunately, however, what may be "best for the public" is not the primary decision-making factor. First and foremost, it's a matter of money.

We dropped a huge amount of money into the filming of the bronze syllabus. This came out of our own pockets, and was a one-time investment. If there are to be any more web syllabus film shoots in the future, the profits derived from the premium membership program will need to be strong enough to make a future film shoot not only finincially feasible, but financially comfortable. "Financially feasible" means we generate enough revenue to recoup the cost of the original bronze production, in addition to covering the cost of the proposed production. "Financially comfortable" means enough income left over after covering these costs to pay us back for our own time and effort. Even at minimum wage, that's a significant sum.

More than likely, the web-based footage for the upper levels will come from material filmed for DVD. With DVD, profits are more immediate and typically pay for the cost of production within a month or two of initial release. The production therefore pays for itself, and the footage can double as web-based clips. This is a much smarter approach to acquiring web footage.

There is one catch, however: DVD's are much slower to produce. The current set of web clips are simple demonstrations, which allowed us to fly through the syllabus in just 3 days of filming. To produce a quality DVD, you need to add complete instruction for each figure, as well as fundamental principles of dancing. This slows things down to a snail's pace. Instead of 22 dances in 3 days, we'll probably require 1 day of filming per dance per level. That's 22 days of filming for bronze alone.

Since we are quite comfortable selling DanceVision's DVD's at 50% profit, it makes it that much more difficult to commit to the kind of time and effort commitment it will take to produce an entire syllabus of DVD's. Factor in all the other projects I want to pursue (including continuing my own dance education), and it's not looking good for the DVD prospect.

That's not to say we will never sell our own line of complete syllabus instruction from bronze through gold. It's just too difficult right now to predict how long it might take, or for that matter, what form it will take. By the time we're able to do it, it might be much smarter to forget DVD's and jusgt focus on web-based delivery methods. Who knows. Whatever the case, I think it's safe to say that silver level is still quite a ways off.

But I do agree that continuity Waltz & Foxtrot are so unique that we should probably try somehow to add video clips for them, even if we can't do it for any other silver dance. Since that can probably be done in just a couple of hours, we might be able to piggyback the project at the end of some other DVD-related film shoot. I'll keep it in mind.

Re: More Acces to Advanced Dances
Posted by slowfox
6/12/2007  10:08:00 AM
I just want to make it clear that I was neither agreeing or disagreeing with Clive and Anymouse. I just felt they had no grounds to target this person. They have no idea what other form of training she has. They have no idea whom she is teaching, or what THEY consider their money's worth! Maybe she's trying to put together a group class for all they know!

There are plenty of amateurs who are better dancers than most professionals...they have that kind of talent, ambition, and have invested wisely in their educations (i.e. COACHING) There is no endpoint to improvement for the serious competetor (or serious athlete).

My point is this...we are as ballroom dancers a DIVERSE group-professionals, amateurs, competetors, social dancers, teachers, and students. We have different goals! I can assure you that I am ambitious as Clive and Anymouse are, but there are plenty of people who just do it for fun or social reasons.

MOST beginning Bronze students don't need a blackpool finalist to get started (unless you're 10 years old and planning to make a career of it...then your best bet is to move in with Corky and Shirley). Anyone who finds himself getting more serious about it will learn very quickly where to find the right teacher or coach. (No Clive, we are not slaves to the franchises)
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