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Re: Heel Leads
Posted by jwlinson
8/21/2007  10:20:00 PM
Perhaps I should elaborate...

"rolling" was my terminology, not theirs. Anymouse, your description:

"When the movement is done properly, the ball of the foot directly follows the heel - you very nearly are placing the whole foot, because the "just heel" time is very short."

is probably a better description. It describes what I am doing.

my bad.

Re: Heel Leads
Posted by Doug
8/22/2007  4:53:00 AM
Anymouse. If I understand what you are saying,in order to get that long two in the waltz N.T. we should slow down or take more time on the preperation step or the end of a preceding step.
Re: Heel Leads
Posted by Serendipidy
8/24/2007  10:53:00 PM
Where are your teachers. These are the very first steps we ever take . Find a good DVD. Look and see how the weight arrives under the body and if you are counting , on what count. Look to see how much the knee has bent as the weight arrives on it. That must take some moment of time to get that compression. Do you agree. Now do you swing on two and sway on three. Richard Gleave and John Wood will tell you on their videos. Both of which are still available. Guys this is just the first three steps. If they are not done correctly what hope is there for the rest of your routines.
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