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Thread Order
Posted by operabob
9/15/2007  1:19:00 PM

I'm sure this has been covered before and I'm not complaining as you have created a terrific place.

Just wondering:

1. On very long threads people often reply to a message in the middle. The reply appears to be posted in the middle as well. If you see a topic with new postings it is very difficult to search through the entire thread trying to find the new postings.

Is there a function to order posts within a thread chronologically that I'm missing?

Using the "Quote" function allows replies to have continuity anyway.

2. On long threads subsequent posts are indented further and further to the right. Eventually we get posts a few words wide and 9 pages long. As each post is clearly separated is it possible to eliminate the indenting?

Thanks for all your work.

Re: Thread Order
Posted by operabob
9/17/2007  9:04:00 AM
OK, I found the button at the bottom for "order".

OB the Blind
Re: Thread Order
Posted by Administrator
9/17/2007  1:49:00 PM
Is there a function to order posts within a thread chronologically that I'm missing?
Yep, see bottom of the page. It gives you three options for ordering: Oldest on top, newest on top, and threaded.

On long threads subsequent posts are indented further and further to the right. Eventually we get posts a few words wide and 9 pages long. As each post is clearly separated is it possible to eliminate the indenting?
Sort of. When you select chronological ordering (oldest/newest on top), items are not indented. Unfortunately, indenting is a requirement of threading, so you won't be able to use the threaded order without it.

Eventually, I plan to re-program the message board using "iFrames", as well as some other more advanced techniques such as "Javascript" & "Ajax". But right now I'm working on other areas of the website.

Re: Thread Order
Posted by operabob
9/17/2007  3:35:00 PM

Thanks Buddy!

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