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Re: ISTD tips for preparation or examination
Posted by operabob
10/12/2007  9:12:00 AM
E-mail me at:

cruisedancer (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

I was possibly going to do ISTD in LA and have contact info and application form.

Put "ISTD" in the title so I don't just delete it.

Things are different in the States I understand. Here with ISTD we just pay the application fee and hall costs. In the States I understand most associations also charge you the examiner's time (but I don't know for certain).

As it will be a bit inconvenient for me to do I've opted to do the new CDF (Canadian DanceSport Federation)exam until I'm near an ISTD examiner. I've been offered a Nov. 16 date but as we'll only just be back from vacation I'm going to request early January instead.



Re: ISTD tips for preparation or examination
Posted by Anonymous
10/12/2007  5:35:00 PM
Just an idea. Would it work if the training of students to become qualified teachers could be run through the government as a course at the Universaty at an absolute zero cost to the student. At the completion of the course the student, would for a decided length of time, give there services also free to YMCA's and other types of organisations in return for the training they have recieved. I think everybody would benifit including the community as well as the student.
Re: ISTD tips for preparation or examination
Posted by terence2
10/12/2007  11:05:00 PM
The sports " $ ", is severly challenged already, in most colleges.

many programs have been deleted, due to insuffcient funds, and I dont believe dance would be given priority over Football etc .
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