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Re: Dancing with the Stars - Dress Code??
Posted by dance_dance
12/18/2007  11:02:00 AM
I saw the show over the summer and people were VERY casual. I had on a dress (neither evening nor cocktail). However, I live in the South and things tend to be a bit more casual here. Most people were in jeans.

Remember that many people at the show are not "ballroom" people and don't understand how dressed up we like to be for every event.

I say, wear what makes you comfortable. I would always prefer to be over dressed.
Re: Dancing with the Stars - Dress Code??
Posted by shuelin
12/18/2007  11:46:00 AM
A few of us went last year in Hamilton Ont.

The stands were very very casual...ripped jeans...smokes in the tee shirt. However people who had floor seat were extremely well dressed. Overall it is not much different dress than a stage show. You get all types of dressors.
Re: Dancing with the Stars - Dress Code??
Posted by operabob
12/18/2007  9:08:00 PM
I don't know what you're wearing but I'd go just to see what Edyta's not wearing!

Re: Dancing with the Stars - Dress Code??
Posted by dheun
12/19/2007  10:43:00 AM
The crowds at these shows are a microcosm of the show fan-base itself -- many different ages, many different levels of actual interest in dancing. More so, it is interest in seeing "stars" and being entertained. You will see a wide variation of dress code. I would say just dress for whatever it is you will be doing before or after the show -- dinner in a nice restaurant, maybe some of your own dancing? You'd dress nice for that. If it's into the show and then back home on the couch for TV or to call it a night, blue jeans work pretty well for that.
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