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Re: Leg Rise vs. Foot Rise
Posted by phil.samways
1/29/2008  8:28:00 AM
Hi cdroge
I wasn't aware of that. I will look up some videos of their dancing. I'll get some useful ideas from them ,I hope.
One of the difficulties for a tall lady softening a lot in tango (to be below the man, who presumably is dancing with softened knees) is this: where do the knees go??. They're sticking out all over the place. Sounds daft i know, but it's a practical problem
Re: Leg Rise vs. Foot Rise
Posted by cdroge
1/29/2008  11:41:00 AM
It is a problem for us,my wife's inside leg is 2in longer than mine we just can't lower as much as I would like in all dances. It's very important that she dances her full hight. We keep our heads as far apart as possible.
Re: Leg Rise vs. Foot Rise
Posted by Serendipidy
1/29/2008  7:14:00 PM
cdroge. Not all groups are for you. A expert coach who has most likely met this height problem before could tailor make your choreography to suit.
Re: Leg Rise vs. Foot Rise
Posted by anymouse
1/29/2008  6:55:00 AM
"Actually it is worth looking at this a bit further. You seem to have agreed that there is a difference in the height the heel is off the floor between the man and lady."

No, I have not taken a position on that, because the statement lacks the context necessary to form an opinion.

What I have pointed out is the fallacy of your one-answer-fits-all claim.

The right answer is specific to the specific situation. As long as you ignore that, your answers will always by definition be WRONG, because they can only possibly be right in the sense that a stopped clock is twice per day.
Re: Leg Rise vs. Foot Rise
Posted by danceintacoma
2/1/2008  6:01:00 PM
Leg rise also know as body rise is acomplished through the bending and straightening the knees typically done by women as the result of needing to use the foot for back steps, Foot rise is the rising onto the toe and them lowering to the heel typically done in figures by the Man.
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