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Re: Cuban son and other salsa styles
Posted by terence2
2/16/2008  7:21:00 AM
The old " authenticity " Q---

1st-- Son rhythm-- originally written in a 4/6 time signature ( as musicians say-- NO Son clave -- no Rumba )

Clave is at the root of all Mambo ( all salsa is mambo-- BUT not all Mambo is salsa )

Actually, there are varying opinions on this-- it seems to have the better proponents breaking on the 2nd beat of the bar -- I have used 1, 2 and 3.-- reason ?, some songs just speak to me differently-- the hard core afficianados will probably say 2.

As to which you should learn for Salsa-- it depends on the circles in which you mix-- "1" is very dominant in many locales-- NYC has much more variety than anywhere ( including PR )and so both are everywhere . There are also some areas which are only on 2 .
"Two" was the established break in the fifties all over the states ( we all taught the same, other than style ) palladium dancers ( NYC ) more 2 than anything else-- same in LA .

I always tell people to do what makes you feel happy .-- leave the other stuff for the academics to debate and for ladies--- youre invariably at the leaders choice .

Finally, many Cubans will be quite adamant that mambo should be on " 1 "--
( the same beat that triple mambo was- and is - danced on )

Hope this didnt confuse you !
Re: Cuban son and other salsa styles
Posted by latina7
2/17/2008  6:33:00 AM
Thank you Terrence, that's good advice; do what makes me happy. Why didn't I think of that! I've begun to notice, even at this early stage, how I'm developing preferences for musical styles and am beginning to develop my own style within the good technique being shown me by my new teacher. I will ask him to show me the different styles on two to see which suits me. again my goal is to be able to dance in the Latino clubs.
Interestingly, when I first learned salsa I had a hard time getting the rhythm. I was learning on the one, via group lessons, having no idea there was any other way. Now, I realize my early error was breaking on two instead of one. I'm able to go back to it quite easily, and have always found it more interpretive, with certain music. When my daughter began to learn, she had the same error. My teacher at the time was a natural dancer of Puerto Rican heritage, and dances on one only. I think it's good to know both ways. I like BOTH at different times, with different music.
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