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Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/7/2008  6:22:00 PM
Someone, the only person who can make a fool of you is yourself.

You're welcome.

Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by "Serious" Dancer
7/8/2008  10:48:00 AM
News flash, JJ, to many of us "serious dancers" you are coming off as a complete snob...an ignorant one. Don't be ridiculous, and don't accuse Terence of "butting heads" with you when you. You are what is known as a "baiter".
Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/8/2008  11:13:00 AM
Tsk. Tsk. Such a sour attitude.

If I were a "baiter" then you sure swallowed it, didn't you?

I assumed that most of the posters on this board were mature enough to have an adult sense of humor. Obviously, I was mistaken about some of them.

Take a little bit of advice that has served me very well over the years: always take your work seriously; never take yourself seriously.

Substitute the word "dancing" for "work" and the statement is equally valid.

Posted by Someone
7/8/2008  2:02:00 PM
We would have a good sense of humor, but you going around and pushing everyone's buttons doesn't exactly help. If you want us to have humor, BACK OFF!
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/8/2008  2:20:00 PM
Someone, I mean this in all sincerity.

If you are going to let yourself become so emotional that you're making threats on a message board (which are actionable, by the way) then perhaps you should reconsider your participation here.

Honest adults can disagree civilly and settle misundertsandings through continued discussion but not when they let their feelings run away with them.

I've already given you and the others some good advice in my previous response. Please consider it.

Posted by Someone
7/8/2008  5:27:00 PM
I am not making a threat! I am simply saying that you are invading peoples personal bubbles. It's just that every time I go to blog you are criticizing or commenting. This is a privilege.
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/9/2008  4:43:00 AM
This message board is a public forum and not a private chat room.

Sooner or later, all "bubbles" are going to burst.

I will continue to criticize or comment as I see fit.

Posted by Ladydance
7/9/2008  5:41:00 AM
Ok, everyone back away from their computer, put some music on and do their happy dance.
Posted by jofjonesboro
7/9/2008  6:48:00 AM
That's a great idea.
I found just the right music: Happy Waltz

Thanks, LD.

Re: Hustle Technique
Posted by intabfab
7/8/2008  5:52:00 PM
I've been quietly reading all these exchanges between JJ and others. I can't sit back anymore...
JJ - you say everything is a joke and the other posters don't have a sense of humour...Perhaps you need to realize that you're not funny, just obnoxious. Noone takes advice from someone they don't respect no matter what their expertise. So if you plan on sharing your knowledge in a productive way please do so with as much maturity as you can muster. If not, then no one needs your input.
(I now sit back and wait for you to defend yourself in an aggressive way while pretending you meant it as a joke)

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