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Re: Rise and Fall in the International Waltz
Posted by phil.samways
7/24/2008  4:03:00 AM
Hi Polished
I've tried using the pause button, but it doesn't work very well. I think there is a fundamental technical reason for this. Clicking the pause button on/off very fast isn't too bad. I've never had it 'fall' into slow motion. I presume by 'SUB' you mean USB.
Re: Rise and Fall in the International Waltz
Posted by Polished
7/24/2008  5:51:00 AM
Phil. Sorry. The ones I can slow down are the ones I filmed off the screen with my digital camera which I loaded into my pictures. When I recall them I have a bar underneath which I can manipulate as I said before. I don't know how, but with Luca if I do it a few times it goes into slow motion and stays there untill I close it down. The music plays at the normal speed and finishes ages before the slow motion dancers. Its a good way to go. Because streaming uses up your hours. This way doesn't. Good Luck
Re: Rise and Fall in the International Waltz
Posted by astaire
7/24/2008  6:37:00 AM
Phil. I use InterVideo WinDVD Platinum.
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