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Re: Abbreviation query
Posted by jofjonesboro
9/16/2008  6:36:00 AM
Don't ever presume to apologize for me or anyone else on this board.

Discussions produce disagreements. This is a public forum. If you're offended by the exchanges that take place then don't participate.

Re: Abbreviation query
Posted by pasodoble
9/17/2008  7:34:00 PM
Esme Nielsen. CBMP. If you can find an example of a Foxtrot on youtube by a top professional. You will see that on a Reverse Turn on step five the lady should be backing the wall and not backing diagnal to the wall. The man is the natural opposite
You can then see how step 6 with CBMP is performed. If the man turns too soon anti- clock you are not in CBMP. In fact there was no CBMP at all.
The person who wrote Keep your body facing your partner. would have been better if the had written . Keep your partner in front of you. Those are the words most used by professionals.
A much simpler way of showing CBMP to a beginner is to stand with the left hand ( right hand for the lady ) out to the side at arms length, palm facing the front which will be the wall in this case. Without moving the left side. Step across the body towards the palm of the left hand
CBMP is a foot position only because the side is already in position from the preceeding step. I hope this helps
Re: Abbreviation query
Posted by Tango Dancer
6/23/2013  10:39:00 PM
The "C" stands for "Contra".
Contra in Latin means "opposite".

The B is for Body. M is for Movement. P is for Position.

In the simplest of terms it means that the opposite side of the body turns towards the moving foot. It is a position that is aquired while moving either in a forward or backward rotation. You will probably get more experience with CBMP as you continue into your dance program, but ask your teacher to demonstrate it to you. Look for this "opposition in body posture" during the movement.
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