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Re: lins dance
Posted by luvtoline
10/21/2008  7:58:00 PM
Hi, yes line dancing has been around for a while. It's very popular in France at the moment. There are two types: country western and alternative/progressive. Country western line dancing is done to country western music. Progressive is done to any music, from pop to rap. Some line dances today are being choreographed to hip hop music. If you are looking for a place to learn contact your local country music association. At most dances (with a DJ) you will dance to a mix of country line dances and progressive line dancing. The progressive line dancing has a jazzier feel, but for either type of dancing you do the same the steps. Hope this helps!
Re: lins dance
Posted by SouthCarolinaPro
10/15/2006  7:02:00 AM
Line dancing is most popular in country western. if I'm not mistaken, I think there is over 300 different variations and still growing. Next, would be Beach/Disco/latin and yes, Ballroom has a small amount of line dancing, not too many.
Re: lins dance
Posted by sherry hester
4/20/2007  2:53:00 PM
come on to nashville....get away from all the tourist spots and get in a v f w or american legion......comfortable shoes....and if you are a gal...smile and look pitiful...works great here
Re: lins dance
Posted by DivaGinger
10/21/2008  11:30:00 PM
I've learned how to use line-dance in practicing ballroom stuff solo.

Think up 32 counts (arthur murrayans, this shouldn't be hard- unless they still don't allow you to think on your own- that's an extra $5,000 per term some places) of something, put it into a pattern, do a quarter-turn somehow at the end. If you have a "memorized pattern" in your head, that's one less thing you have to worry about- muscle memory takes over from there, and frees up some RAM and clears your cache so you can process other things, like technique and count, etc.

Crazy, I know, but I've been on a Starbucks and Mello Yello diet since about eight today, then had a rough practice scrimmage with our two 'kids' and I'm really close to Women's Curse Time, and the whole damned planet's falling down on my brand new totally awesome fabulous shiny red head I just got dyed and straightened yesterday (it's Melanie LaPatin of about 1996 red now, from brownie strawberry blonde). To top it off? My favorite junk food place was closed when we came back through town. I had to eat farty casino boat food and a Twix. Gah.
Re: lins dance
Posted by Ladydance
10/22/2008  8:12:00 AM
We do line dances at our ballroom studio parties. They are basic steps in fun easy to learn routines so everyone can get up dancing. So, there is the Samba line dance, made up of basic steps, voltas and bota fogos. The cha-cha line dance, again, basic steps, lock steps forward and back and turns. We have about five or six dances. Everyone enjoys them especially women, if there is a lack of dance partners at least they can get up and dance and practice.
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