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Re: I have $7 K in DVDs to swap/sell !
Posted by DivaGinger
11/3/2008  10:24:00 PM
Yeah, that's why ballroomdancing dot tk is so unpopular - it's a gigantic swapfest of yo-ho-ho and a bottle-of-bloodymarymixed goodness, if you get my drift.
Re: I have $7 K in DVDs to swap/sell !
Posted by seller
11/4/2008  7:28:00 AM
Ok, I have never heard of that site, but I am going to remove it right now! Thanks to All!!!! I guess you do learn something everyday!!!!! ScottyBoysDoll
Re: I have $7 K in DVDs to swap/sell !
Posted by Polished
11/4/2008  12:42:00 PM
This ia an awkward one isn't it. I can understand that it is illegal to buy a DVD and then to make copies and sell them. But to buy a DVD and give a copy to my seven year old grandaughter thats illegal . So instead I give her permission to come around to my place and watch it any times she wishes. Thats legal.
What about this. From the TV I tape a film. Lets say " Shall We Dance " Can I pass that on to another person legally. Can I recover the cost of the DVD or Video by making a small charge.
Re: I have $7 K in DVDs to swap/sell !
Posted by seller
11/4/2008  3:21:00 PM
Hmmmm! Makes you think- I have always been taught to share & Help when I can! I will never forget- in school-I went to a private christain school- I was a little a head of my best friend -I had taken a math test, a week later she was taking it- she ask me about a problem- in chapel service we set and figured it out.(Those algebra II problems take at least 30 mins. to figure out.) The teacher came to us and ask we said Yep! we did- we thought we were in trouble for not listening in chapel service. Nope! We were in trouble for CHEATING! I thought I was helping, my best friend! We both got detention, but it has been 40 yrs later & we are stil best friends and eat lunch every Wednesday. Sometimes,I still wonder was I cheating or was I helping!
I have NEVER sold a video, but I have shared them!! I like to keep mine in case, I need to refer back to them I forget material all the time! All I know is I enjoy Ballroom Dancers.com, and do NOT want to upset anyone! Because everyone has been very helpful! Thanks, ScottyBoysDoll
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