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Giving a gift
Posted by partnerless
4/3/2009  9:42:00 AM
I am dancing in my first comp ever. (6 dances) It is a low key interstudio comp. One of my instructors(female)is finding costumes for me to wear, lending me her jewelry and guiding me every step of the way. She also coaches me and my male instructor with whom I will be dancing that day.Is it appropriate and/or customary to give gift of appreciation? If so, I have no clue as to what is appropriate. Would the same apply for my other instructor (male) with whom I will be dancing the day of the comp?
Re: Giving a gift
Posted by Days&Nights
4/3/2009  10:49:00 AM
As a beginner, after my first few competitions - even if they were local studio events - I did give my "coach" and my "pro" a thank you card with a personal message written by me - not by a computer keyboard. After my first really large event (although I danced 6-12heats)I gave my pro a gift card for I-Tunes as he is continually updating his I-Pod for use with his students. Ultimately, it is completely up to you. I do know how much the simple act of a thank you card was appreciated and received - even without a little something attached.
Re: Giving a gift
Posted by singndance
4/3/2009  2:08:00 PM
It's very nice of her to help you. I'm sure she wants you to feel comfortable so that if you enjoy it, you'll want to compete again! I don't think that it is necessary to give a gift, but certainly it would be appreciated. When my pro's wife has gone out of her way to help me, I've given her a gift certificate towards a manicure, or to the local coffee shop. It's small, but just a token to show how much I appreciated her help. She seemed to like that.

Good luck on your competition, and enjoy!
Re: Giving a gift
Posted by Michael
4/21/2009  8:37:00 AM
I am going to dance my first State competition, I already did a small one. Yesterday I learned from others that my instructor with whom I am going to dance usually gives a gift to her amateur partner in for of a small gold coin. What is appropiate to give to her?
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