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Re: Giving a gift
Posted by Days&Nights
4/3/2009  10:49:00 AM
As a beginner, after my first few competitions - even if they were local studio events - I did give my "coach" and my "pro" a thank you card with a personal message written by me - not by a computer keyboard. After my first really large event (although I danced 6-12heats)I gave my pro a gift card for I-Tunes as he is continually updating his I-Pod for use with his students. Ultimately, it is completely up to you. I do know how much the simple act of a thank you card was appreciated and received - even without a little something attached.
Re: Giving a gift
Posted by singndance
4/3/2009  2:08:00 PM
It's very nice of her to help you. I'm sure she wants you to feel comfortable so that if you enjoy it, you'll want to compete again! I don't think that it is necessary to give a gift, but certainly it would be appreciated. When my pro's wife has gone out of her way to help me, I've given her a gift certificate towards a manicure, or to the local coffee shop. It's small, but just a token to show how much I appreciated her help. She seemed to like that.

Good luck on your competition, and enjoy!
Re: Giving a gift
Posted by Michael
4/21/2009  8:37:00 AM
I am going to dance my first State competition, I already did a small one. Yesterday I learned from others that my instructor with whom I am going to dance usually gives a gift to her amateur partner in for of a small gold coin. What is appropiate to give to her?
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