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Re: Scared new ballroom teacher seeking suggestion
Posted by DivaGinger
4/18/2009  10:57:00 PM
Thanks to the "Amateurs can teach and get monneh" clause in the rules now, we've found ourselves 'coming out' of the shoe-closet as t-... t-teach... t-t-teachers, too, and while we *have* ballroom experience (not as much as I'd like- it's an addiction, always room to learn), I'm still worried that we'll get someone who can call us out on stuff.

Good luck, fellow fledgling "Instructor"- doesn't that sound COOL?! Said Uncle Ben though "With great power comes great responsibility"- so get crackin' on group lessons. Hey- we could use you as our guinea pig, LOL.
Re: Scared new ballroom teacher seeking suggestion
Posted by belleofyourball
4/19/2009  12:53:00 AM
Single Time swing is a great thing to teach. It doesn't take much coordination to pick up the basic steps and timing.

Kids also really like the Tango...It's easy to teach and easy to learn at a basic level. They like the whole Addam's Family component. It's featured in the movies a lot and they all love to do the Promenade's...

I've taught both to kids 6th-12th grade and they liked these dances better than any others.

Also...don't forget Salsa...kids dig that.
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