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Re: Cyd
Posted by anymouse
5/3/2009  6:45:00 AM
There's absolutely nothing wrong with social dancers.

However, they usually represent a substantially different approach to dancing. Of course it's a spectrum of possibilities, some very carefree, others fairly focused on gaining mastery. But it is ultimately a different community of people.

Two examples of where you start to get some real cross-over are former competitors who did it for a while but decided it was not their end goal in dancing, and increasingly some of the non-competing students of younger teachers (who themselves compete in the amateur division). The later group are interesting, because they inherit some of their teachers' attitudes rather than the usual studio/social ones.
Re: Cyd
Posted by Cyd
5/4/2009  3:59:00 PM
The studios here have created a division between Competition and serious dancers and Social Dancers
This is how a Social Teaching class is run. 8pm to 10pm. 1/2 an hour of teaching, than 1/2hour of dancing. Followed by another 1/2 hour of teaching and 1/2 hour of dancing. The ladies would take a seat in strict rotation. The guys at the end of each tune will take a lady again in rotation. Some studios have what they call staff. In this case the paying guys and girls will sit and are picked up , again in order by the staff who in most cases recieve training on what is being taught that evening. The division. No Competition Dancer is going to turn up to one of these Social Dances and not dance with their own partner. So there we are, divided by the way Studios are run.This system has been in operation since long before i was born.
Re: Cyd
Posted by anymouse
5/4/2009  6:17:00 PM
"This is how a Social Teaching class is run"

What you meant to say was "this is one of the many ways that a social class can be run".

There are of course many others ways in use as well!
Re: Cyd
Posted by terence2
5/2/2009  11:47:00 PM
Consider this.... in the UK, until recent yrs ( social dance tops the list now ) medal test type of classes were all there were.. and yet, the majority of students never entered comps( "in house" , for a bit of fun, maybe).
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