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Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by belleofyourball
6/28/2009  8:50:00 PM
I would say yes unless you can glue them to your face. You would be shocked at what comes off when you are competing. You dance harder, your movements end up being more crisp and sharp.

You just aren't going to look good chasing them across the floor or cringing as someone steps on them.

So for example you glue your earrings to your ears, your hair should feel like shellac...and I wouldn't even suggest contacts. I've known people who lost those. Practice dance without your eyes. You'll find that they aren't necessary. For example in Argentine Tango...the woman doesn't even dance with her eyes open :~} That is not a suggestion for ballroom. You aren't as balanced without being able to see.
Re: Grooming - Competive
Posted by Babyruth
6/28/2009  9:37:00 PM
Wow...I thought contacts may be a good idea. Luckily that I haven't got those yet.
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