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Re: age
Posted by Three Wise Men
2/6/2010  10:49:00 PM
tiffany. When you say a professional dancer I take it you mean just that a Professional Dancer.
It would be better to have competed as an Amateur first in whichever style you are intereted in.
To teach, that is a different story. It would be of great benifit if you have passed your Gold or above Medal.
Don't let anyone try to suggest that 32 is too old. It depends on you. Go for it and Good Luck.
Re: age
Posted by belleofyourball
2/7/2010  12:36:00 AM
Yes, you can. Just know that if you are new it is going to take awhile before you are good enough that you aren't ripping people off by saying you are a professional. Teach lessons when you become fluent and when you can lead as well as you follow. Just to be clear, you aren't going to be 32 anymore when this happens.

Learning to dance ballroom isn't an overnight process, and even if you've learned the choreography it doesn't mean you grasp the subtlty of the movement.

Good luck! Follow your bliss, but do so responsibly.
Re: age
Posted by Ladydance
2/7/2010  6:29:00 AM
Where are you learning to dance? Some of the chain schools start right off the bat with, "you are a great dancer, you could be a professional." I was told that exact thing when I started. Dancing as a child does not translate into becoming a good ballroom dancer.
That being said, there is no reason why you can't become a 'professional' however be aware that you probably won't be able to make a living at it, and as the others have said it is a long haul if you want to be a credible good dancer.
Re: age
Posted by terence2
2/8/2010  1:42:00 AM
Having trained hundreds of Pros over the yrs, one thing is for sure.. age, within some limitations, does not preclude the possibilty of becoming a Prof.

It may limit one from the competitive arena, but should not from a teaching aspect .Even that is poss. from a Pro/Am category.

In addition, the " style " you choose to commence that journey, can make a big difference .

For e.g... if you choose Amer. style, then the Bronze ( first level ) is a little less demanding physically than the Intern. style, but... the downside is, there are more dances to " master " .

You may eventually decide to qualify in both styles .Its a "time " thing.

I would advise to investigate which Soc. you wish to be examined by ,and then check what their requirements are .

AS to the comment that you cannot make a living teaching dance, well, that depends largely upon your location, and the style you choose to teach .

I would concede, that there are less male students than female, when one examines the typical ballroom scene. However.. there are areas which are more evenly divided from a teaching standpoint.. for e.g... Salsa and C and W ,and possibly WCS.. that, of course, does limit ones variety .

In the " chain " school setting,generally, there are also more opportunities for female teachers. They seldom take on board people to train,that they are unable to use .
Re: age
Posted by Ladydance
2/9/2010  5:21:00 AM
I did not say you can't make a living at teaching dance, I said "probably". In my experience, only the studio owner and 'champions' whose services are in demand can work full time and make a living wage. I know dancers that have gone the chain school route, who have left because their wages are so low. Those schools might charge $110.00/hour but they only pay the staff $10-$15/hour.
Re: age
Posted by terence2
2/9/2010  8:09:00 AM
Well, I coached and taught in chain schools, all over the States for over 30 yrs ( thru 2005 ) and depending on location, there is ample opportunity for female teachers in the larger metro areas ( especially trained ones in either Amer. or Intern style )

Even in some of the smaller towns I visited, there was ALWAYS a full time lady teacher ( and I dont mean the owner ).

As to income, there are many who now give guarantees .

And..at $15 per hr, that is WAY above minimum wage plus benefits like dance training and trips .
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