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Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by terence2
5/4/2010  11:44:00 PM
I really do understand where you are "coming " from... however..

From a seasoned Prof., ( and pretty much all my colleagues agree )it is an ongoing problem in our profession ( in all genres ) that there are numerous people who believe that teaching dance is a"secondary " occupation, that will provide additional income, and then procede to "set up " shop.

"They", by and large,have generally been found to be lacking in the most necessary skills to teach the MOST important student,, the Beginner.. the foundation of teaching ALL dance, is a complete understanding of the basic concepts..and just teaching " steps " really doesnt make it !!..

BUT.. I do see you dilemma, and it is a "free " market place.. and yes.. you have the best intentions, but to ask other Profs for "free "advice to go into business, always raises the hackles of those of us who have had to put countles yrs into our profession at no small cost.

As you may have read on this forum, there are several of us who are more than willing to assist in the technical sides of dance , and also some business related subjects, so please dont "paint " those who may dis agree with your request ,in a cavalier fashion ..

I do wish you well in your quest,but I think you should write down your format ( teaching wise ) and submit it to a teacher in your region , for comment .Bare in mind, you need to satisfy your local clientels needs...

Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by Telemark
5/4/2010  11:50:00 PM

What a rude woman! I don't think that being six hours from anywhere (even Dallas) justifies heaping abuse on a stranger. I think I will take my leave from this rather bizarre topic. I have more fruitful ways to spend my time.
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by Anton SHklyaver
5/4/2010  9:26:00 AM
There is no lesson plans for dancing. Yes there is class like 8 weeks and stuff but it will depand on the dancers for exp you will learn different then me, the best thing if u have teachers in your dance school you should take lesson from them and they will see how you pick up the step of the dances you want to learn. Other here is my e-mail you can e-mail and if u do not live far from where I do i can come and teach and it will not cost alot. DanceCBAnton@gmail.com
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by scottyboysdoll
5/4/2010  8:05:00 PM
Ok, Thanks so much. I just thought it would be nice to have a plan to follow here at home. (For review) We take a lesson. then practice it until our next lesson. Once , sometimes twice a week. I just know that there are teachers out there that have taught for many years, and have figured out all the little "pitfalls" and things that compliment each other. I wanted to take advantage of that experience! Thanks, again! ScottyBoysDoll
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by belleofyourball
5/5/2010  6:05:00 PM

Been awhile since I saw you on here and I know you have a passion for dance and about a half a ton of videos if I am remembering correctly...

My suggestion, and you can take it as that...be careful not to pay too much to the pros at your new studio. They should be certified in ways that make your helping the way you are completely unnecessasary.

What I think I am reading between your lines...you want some routines and some choreography that works and flows as it should...this is not so difficult. Get on Youtube and watch how the pros put together their routines. You will probably be dancing way out of your level but it will push you and give you clues about what steps can follow other steps...but don't perform a verbatim at a comp or for others who are in the 'know'. It will just show off how not as good as the pro you are. Besides it's basically plagarism on the dance floor.

That will at least give you some material to work with :~}

Good luck!

Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by scottyboysdoll
5/5/2010  7:27:00 PM
Thanks so much, it has been a while, since I have written.
I am not looking to open a studio, teach anybody, and all these people just assume anything they want to. It just soooo drives me crazy!
Yep, I still have all my videos,almost 500 now, but they just CAN NOT replace my hands-on teacher that moved away. She was our truely certified, w/ 20 years experience teacher. So, all that left is the social dance teachers - And they were up front about that 3 1/2 years ago. If you wanted more professional lessons, the other lady was certified, and we started taking lesson w/ her, as well. So, we now are w/o her, and waiting on another teacher, to come along. We still practice at home nightly, and go to social classes. But techniques, styling, exact information, we have no guidance.
This little guide I saw was a set lesson plan, on the DV website. I do not remember exactly, but here was an example, I just am making this up!!!

Lesson 1- Teach Bolero Step 1, and Samba Step 3, with arm styling

Lesson 2- Teach Review Samba step 3, and introduce Step 1, Review Bolero Step 1 - Add new material Tango teach posture, frame, and Step 2.

But as you can see. It was just a little Lesson Plan that adds a new step every lesson, but has reviews of previous lessons. Basically, keeps you moving along. Then if you come across a hard concept, just repeat that lesson, before going on!
The booklet has steps put together, that compliment each other. I guess I will just breakdown & buy the book. I just need it for our home practice.
As far as choreo. & variations, entrances & exits - I have Bronze Silver, Gold of anything a person could ever want!!! Some now is getting dated, but on of my favorites is 20 years old by Chris Morris, Smooth Entrances I & II - there are 4 for each dance. But it is still just a good solid combination of 4 or 5 steps, that flow so easy, and can be "Dressed up or Down" to go with the students skill level! Just a neat video! I also have a lot of Dance Comp. videos from 2008, 2009, 2010. So, I can see how dance has changed over the last 20 years!
Sorry to be so long winded!! But I do not want to go to Silver Level, in any dance until, technique, styling,ect. is perfect, then we can move on!
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by belleofyourball
5/5/2010  10:13:00 PM
The pro thing can be fixed. I know a lot of professionals who are willing to travel and teach at other studios. Get a schedule together of people who will fill up a pros whole day, or two days, call them and most will come. You can get both male and female pros and it can help. I know many are willing to teach a group lesson or series of group lessons if you can promise a minimum number. I know that in my own studio some of the country's top pros come for the day to coach and teach for the day even though we are several states away.

With the not wanting to advance to silver...I'm not saying your wrong. It is the most accepted concept...for me when I started doing the harder choreography for shows my bronze technique took a shocking leap forward. That's just kind of how I learn though...big picture and then details fall into place for me.
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by scottyboysdoll
5/6/2010  1:07:00 PM
I was just worried we would get all caught up in learning new steps, & poof! the techniques, and frame would be second! I feel like anybody can do steps! I hate to look at the floor and no one is doing anything different. I wanted to be the stand out! It would be easy to learn new steps, and be the center of attention. But a even better challenge is to be on the floor, and do the same steps as the others, but still be the stand out couple, because our techniques, styling, ect. , would be that much better than the others. To me that would be a awesome challenge! It seems like all the couples in our dance clubs, look just a like & really do not have any defining styling. Waltzs & Fox Trots a like, ect. I do not know that bugs me. ScottyBoysDoll
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by Anna
5/10/2010  2:53:00 PM
Scottyboysdoll. Frame first.Steps second. I remember reading that if you paint a piece of new timber with the wrong priming paint every coat that is applied over it will be wrong. For a start you might try keeping both elbows slightly in front of the ribcage with both elbows at the same height especially the mans right side. Like a triangle on each side under each arm. Keep the shoulders down. A dropped elbow there by the man is a major fault.
Insruction is needed as always.
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by belleofyourball
5/10/2010  4:39:00 PM
Actually...with Anna....it was the strengthening that the new choreography required that improved everything. It wasn't really the steps themselves. I thought my frame was good....and then came lifts and drops and all the fun waltz poses and I knew what I'd been missing all along was my core and no core=no frame. On the good side....I have abs now :~}

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