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Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by Anna
5/10/2010  2:53:00 PM
Scottyboysdoll. Frame first.Steps second. I remember reading that if you paint a piece of new timber with the wrong priming paint every coat that is applied over it will be wrong. For a start you might try keeping both elbows slightly in front of the ribcage with both elbows at the same height especially the mans right side. Like a triangle on each side under each arm. Keep the shoulders down. A dropped elbow there by the man is a major fault.
Insruction is needed as always.
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by belleofyourball
5/10/2010  4:39:00 PM
Actually...with Anna....it was the strengthening that the new choreography required that improved everything. It wasn't really the steps themselves. I thought my frame was good....and then came lifts and drops and all the fun waltz poses and I knew what I'd been missing all along was my core and no core=no frame. On the good side....I have abs now :~}
Re: Lesson schedule for Bronze
Posted by Babsmcdance
5/10/2012  11:45:00 AM
I am and have been on both sides of the fence. I have been a 'social' instructor for more than 20 years now and had to learn things the hard way. Honestly, I was too embarrassed to ask what you did. If you put yourself in a position to call yourself an instructor, be prepared to back it up. Even if you are doing this as a hobby, bobbies are just as costly. Maybe you can get your students to donate $ for the materials necessary for you to teach properly. I have to agree that the DV syllabus is the best way to go. Don't make the same mistakes I have and think it doesn't matter as long as people are coming. Just remember that every day is a new opportunity for learning (not just steps).
Invest in your learning materials and you will be respected for it.
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