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Re: PBS America ballroom challenge
Posted by breador
9/15/2010  8:22:00 PM
Thanks for your response.

Here is part of a response I got when I emailed pbs about continuing the show:

Thank you for your interest in WGBH. We always appreciate hearing from our viewers, listeners, and Web site visitors.

In response to your email, we have no immediate plans to produce an America's Ballroom Challenge series as in past years. In the meantime, though, we will be sure to relay your request to see more episodes produced.

I really think this show did alot to promote the sport and showcase its best dancers.

I would like to challenge everyone in the US who feels as I do to contact feedback@wgbh.com, and possibly the organizers of the ohio star ball and see if this show can be brought back.

What do you all think.
Re: PBS America ballroom challenge
Posted by belleofyourball
9/16/2010  12:23:00 AM
I wrote them long ago. It is a real loss. It was true ballroom on television...and even as a little girl I watched it, loved it and it shaped my ballroom desires. I didn't like the last airing though where all they showed were the showdances. Those by-in-large...sucked.
Re: PBS America ballroom challenge
Posted by silver
9/16/2010  12:12:00 PM

I, too, thought most of the showcases were quite poor. So much of it looked more appropriate for DWTS or a second class stage show. The majority were definately not for those inclined toward traditional ballroom. That's me.
Re: PBS America ballroom challenge
Posted by dheun
9/16/2010  2:35:00 PM
I can't believe this won't be on again.
I recorded past years, but not sure I kept them all, thinking there would be new ones each year.
Now I wish I had kept them.

In addition to seeing great dancing, it was always fun to try to pick up a new move or two just by watching and slowing down the video, frame-by-frame.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle for the senseless junk that clutters the TV.
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