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Re: Really New & Scared
Posted by hsiers
9/21/2010  2:40:00 PM
I feel your pain! I don't have a partner either. I started to go to social dances a little bit less than two years ago and without having any formal instruction. Now I am taking classes here and there. It is just overwhelming! For some dances I am still a beginner (smooth), but for some others I am intermediate (Latin). I had to deal with a couple of jerks that let me standing on the floor because I was unable to follow their fancy moves. I still have to put up with others that "supposedly" dance well, but all they do is jerk me around, even after I tell them that I am a beginner! There are also a lot of pros that are willing to help you! Don't give up, the best way to learn is going out and dance. Practice, practice, and practice. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes on the dance floor, just stop and start again! Don't let anybody scare you away. Keep dancing; it is not easy but it is worth it!
Re: Really New & Scared
Posted by silver
9/23/2010  10:43:00 AM
It's downright rude for someone to leave you standing there because you don't know what they are trying to lead! If someone wants to act like an ass on the dance floor, don't dance with them. To do otherwise may just enable their poor behavior.
It's OK to say no to the ill-mannered.
Posted by jofjonesboro
9/23/2010  1:37:00 PM
I want to second what silver posted about rude partners.

I also want to point out that such behavior usually indicates that the guy is not a very good dancer but has been told that he is by an incompetent instructor.

If saying 'no' to such a jerk seems inadequate, we'll be happy to provide you with more "effective" responses.

Hang in there.

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