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Re: Rule 11
Posted by quickstep7
1/23/2011  11:55:00 PM
I cannot say I am sure exactly how the rule works, but in terms of a competition I know it involves couples involved in a tie in scores from the judges e.g. for 2nd place.
Re: Rule 11
Posted by TangoFandango
1/24/2011  2:51:00 AM
If you are really interested, you should read up on the "Skating" system of marking.

You should try a search for "Skating system rules"

Those of faint heart should not bother!

As QS7 said, it is a countback scheme resolving couples who tie for a place.

it would be difficult to comment on individual cases without seeing the score sheets.

I was once asked to consider learning the system. I wonder if there is a demand for scrutineers?
Re: Rule 11
Posted by Ladydance
1/24/2011  1:08:00 PM
When two couples are tied (points), the first place winner is determined by how many firsts they were given by the judges. So whoever has the most firsts wins first, the other couple comes second. That is what Rule 11 states.
Re: Rule 11
Posted by phil.samways
1/25/2011  6:35:00 AM
It's interesting that, under the existing skating system rules, a couple can win even though they are placed first by fewer judges than the couple placed second. If they're placed equal, then rule 11, as explained by Ladydance, is used. Rule 11 can be applied for any place, of course, not just first.
Research papers have been published on the skating system. It has been known for some time that a method based on the 'median' of placings is much fairer. But this was harder to calculate with pencil and paper at the time the present rules were introduced. Of course it's all done via software these days but then the international dance organisations would have to come to an agreement.... .
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