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Re: how can be be assured of getting a custom gown
Posted by Anonymous
2/16/2011  7:27:00 AM
Your not! Don't forget some of those dresses your trying on at the comps have already be woren by another dancer. Unless you have your own seamstress then you know.
Dore on the floor?
Posted by jofjonesboro
2/16/2011  7:49:00 AM
Wasn't that a Jeff Bridges movie?

Seriously, it seems to be obvious that the dressmaker in question considers color to be a differentiating quality. You seem to disagree.

Are you using the word "custom" to mean "unique"? Men's tailsuits are - technically speaking - custom made but one would have to be something of an expert to distinguish one suit from another.

I'm curious about what others may think. Does a different color or color combination make a different dress?

As to your oringinal question, it appears to me that getting a completely unique design may require spending considerably more money than is customary.

In order for you to be assured that your gown will not be duplicated, you and the vendor will have to come to an agreement over the meaning of the word "custom."

Re: Dore on the floor?
Posted by silver
2/16/2011  9:33:00 AM
For uniqueness, either find a private seamstress who will make you what you want, or have alterations made to what you order. There are many seamstresses out there with experience making ballroom gowns who would love to work with you. There is lady in our neighborhood who came here from Russia, and her work is worth every dime! And then, she deserves a gratuity.
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