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Re: Wedding Dance
Posted by dheun
10/29/2011  3:26:00 PM
Like many wedding couples, you've picked songs with great lyrics for the message between a new bride and groom. But not the best for your "first" dance. Professionals could certainly perform beautiful lyrical stuff to either of these songs, but you likely cannot. A very slow Fox Trot, with the sway step being the most prominent, might work for the Tim McGraw tune. Not sure on the Buble tune, it's a jazzy number, but you may be able to come up with something on your own. Or someone else may figure on a decent dance that would work. I have not heard that one enough, to be honest. But my suspicion is that a rumba won't quite work. Maybe tango, but I'm just guessing.
Either way, good luck and have fun.
Re: Wedding Dance
Posted by aclay31
10/29/2011  3:47:00 PM
We actually were going to try Rumba with the Tim McGraw song and thought we would try a Tango with the Michael Buble song. Not sure though...
Re: Wedding Dance
Posted by tangoll
10/29/2011  8:10:00 PM
The Tim McGraw tune has a beat similar to Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus, which is a good line dance number. So even if it's not the best wedding dance, if you really want to go with that piece, I would do a line dance. Maybe do this dance as the second dance, and invite other guests to join in.

For the Michael Buble number, I would do a social foxtrot, or something like that, and that would serve as a decent first dance. Then later on, do the McGraw as a line dance.
Re: Wedding Dance
Posted by dheun
11/1/2011  5:44:00 PM
Too slow for a true rumba in my opinion, unless you are professionals and do a choreographed lyrical dance with a story to it. That's not what you are looking for, obviously. I still think slow Fox Trot with nice sway steps is the way to go on the McGraw tune. There is a slow social dance version called the Foxy in some studios. Take the song to a dance studio, tell them you want it to be your first dance at your wedding, and see if the instructor cringes, or comes up with a decent idea. If you like the idea, take a few lessons. If you don't like the idea, just figure you at least got a second opinion. Google "slow country dance" and see what comes up on the radar.
Whatever you decide, you're going to have fun.
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