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Re: Argentine Tango missing from Learning Center
Posted by belleofyourball
4/29/2012  11:56:00 AM
I agree with Telemark. It only seems easy but to truly dance it takes years and what makes that happen isn't something you learn by watching a video. When in Argentina I watched the locals plus a couple who knew 'all the steps' The local dancers looked spectacular the other couple...looked like a pair of idiots. Yes there are standardized steps and you know with certain dancers what they are going to do and how they feel to dance with but it isn't a traditional dance with rules and ways of doing things that translates to watch a video and do the step and look good.
Re: Argentine Tango missing from Learning Center
Posted by FrancoT
5/3/2012  10:07:00 AM
I, too, disagree with the learning center. The first time I learned argentine tango was with one of the principal dancers of FOREVER TANGO, one of the best if not the best Argentine Tango Shows. For half a day, I only learned the basic eight count steps. I was frustrated, so I bought a video. In one day, I learned the following steps both the man's and the lady's steps and now I teach the dance and my students love it. I first show them how the dance is done with my partner. Then I show the man's steps, then the lady's steps and then I dance again few times with my partner. I also ndistribute to my students a sketch of the steps as well as the counts like Q Q S, S, S, etc. or forward, side, back flick, rock, etc.

In one day watching the videos, I learned: Basic steps, forward & back ocho,Rock con Giro, Grapevine, Boleo, El Gancho, Los Abanicos, Las Patadas, and combinations of steps from the above.

I suggest learning from the videos and save lots of money. If you want to improve your posture, then hire an expert one on one, msomeone who could give you constructive criticism for the body movement.

Re: Argentine Tango missing from Learning Center
Posted by anymouse
5/3/2012  11:49:00 AM
Since when is argentine tango about learning steps?

Sure, you need a few ideas, but to approach learning from the perspective of steps misses the whole point of the dance!
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