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Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by craiguerabbitry
5/31/2012  10:04:00 AM
I can't get the page to open it keeps saying there is an error. I am going to http://maniaciballroom.blogspot.com/ is that correct?
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by Guest
5/31/2012  9:48:00 PM
That is the correct URL, you may have a bad connection or a server was down.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by Guest
5/31/2012  9:45:00 PM
Of course! Feel free, I'm thrilled you like it.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by bmaniaci
5/31/2012  11:10:00 PM
In fact, anyone who is helping spread my blog I am greatly appreciative.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by dancewithu2
6/1/2012  12:35:00 PM

Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by Quickstep7
6/1/2012  6:29:00 PM
BManiaci. For Rumba try. Lady in Red. Chris de Burgh... Only time. Enya...
My Heart Goes On. Celne Dion... Blessed. Elton John... Till you came into my life. Colm Wilkinson.. All are Danceable
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by Guest
6/15/2012  8:52:00 PM
Even though a disk might go under the title of Dance Music. It doesn't mean that every track on that disk is suitable for good Ballroom Dancing. Usually it is because it is played too fast. A Cha Cha for instance. If it is played at say 36 bars per minute . It would take an extremely skilled dancer to be able to do a chasse correctly and not to shuffle shuffle.. To recommend music that is danceable one must first understand all the correct tempos for all of the dances. This includes American Smooth. Australian New Vogue or any other type of dance whatsoever.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by bmaniaci
7/8/2012  3:09:00 AM
I do in fact understand the correct tempos, the aim of my blog isn't to offer competition strict music. They are all perfectly dance-able as I have done it myself. You can argue all that you want, but there is nothing wrong with doing a slightly fast cha cha or a rather slow foxtrot if its not being judged in a competition or a similar event. Dance is not all numbers and rules, its also a fun social experience, as well as an art form. Also on my personal playlists I do have songs of the proper and strict tempos and I've spent a lot of time studying the different dances and their music. My playlists work excellent for parties, and we even use them for our ballroom classes.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by craiguerabbitry
7/8/2012  2:43:00 PM
Please excuse this interjection but I am feeling rather upset. Oz why must everything you post have to do with being "correct"? You have done this same type thing on questions I have asked. Not all people want to just dance at home or in a studio simplly because it is the only place to find the "correct" music. Some people want to be able to go to places and have fun with friends and still be able to dance. We are not all professionals that dance to "correct" music and have a readily available place to dance. Why do you have to come across as putting others down just because they want to dance to modern or even country. It makes me wonder how many bginners you have deprived of the fun of ballroom due to your need for the "correct". I know I had second and third thoughts after reading responses you posted to a request I made on here in a forum because of the fact that all that is available for me was "country". But thanks to some very nice people I also got replies from as well as my instructor who helped me find "country" music that I could ball room to at local dance spots I stuck with it and enjoy it, even if it isn't correct.
I will never be a professional but at least I am having FUN!!

bmaniaci I have visited your site and find it very nice and helpful too. Thank you for providing a place to find music that I can also find locally so I can enjoy ballroom!!
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by Ladydance
7/9/2012  4:56:00 AM
I agree with Craig, not all dance music has to be 'correct'. In fact, one of the greatest hurdles to getting people to try ballroom dancing, is that they think the music is old fashioned, too orchestrated and of no interest to them. That's why so many go for salsa. When we explain to beginners that there is alot of modern music that can be danced to, they are always extremely surprised. They never guessed that most of lady Gaga is a cha cha or 'Soul Sister' is a fantastic quickstep. So there are no vocals at Blackpool, there are at other major competitons. In fact, I did a slow fox once to a rendition of 'Eye of the Tiger'. Bizarre but doable.

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