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Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by OZ
8/24/2012  8:48:00 PM
SalsaRod. If you look at the tunes being played by the worlds best Ballroom Dance Orchestras you will find that many of the songs recorded go back to the 30's.... 42'ND Street a Quickstep from the Film of the same name 1932. Also recorded and recorded again and again are the music from Fred Astair's films . Many of you are dancing to songs written in the 30's and dont know it. In those days the music was not only composed for films or Broadway Musicals. It had a double purpose, and that was it was written for people to sing along and to dance to.. So please dont knock those old tunes, without them maybe none of us would be dancing a Waltz or a Foxtrot or a Quickstep.Thats were it all started. The sale of sheet music should also get a mention. That is where in those days they made their money. We didn't have records or the means to play them. But every hotel had a piano and a piano player.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by OZ
8/30/2012  3:31:00 AM
I suppose we need to establish what is considered old. Surely Feelings sung by Shirly Bassey. Would that be considered too old as a Rumba. Have you seen Donnie Burns and Gaynor on You Tube, dancing to the Greatest Performasnce Of My life, also by Shirly Bassey. Would those two songs be consdered too old . Both of those songs are not true Rumbas, But the Feeling is there and it brings out the Performances. Let us not forget that a true Latin Orchestra has in it many more instuments than an ordinary orchestra which have not. I think one of them is called a Caracas, as well as a thing that sounds like a lot of rice being shaken in a ball type instrument.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by bmaniaci
9/12/2012  8:12:00 PM
Like I've said, I personally agree the classics are great. I am only offering some information that isn't as readily available. I can find classical music with little difficulty, to find the type of music I offer, you have to be able to either count or really, really spend time digging to get anywhere.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by SalsaRod
9/17/2012  6:07:00 AM
Hi Oz. Please don't get me wrong, i am not in any way "knocking" older music but what i am saying this that socially, outside the scope of ballroom dance events, you are much more likely to encounter more contemporary or modern music. In addition, in order to attract a younger audience to ballroom dancing and keep it alive, playing modern music which they can recognise is much more likely to attract their interest.

I dance and listen to a great deal of older music but bmaniaci's resource is very useful for finding new tunes.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by rgswoohoo
10/19/2012  2:13:00 PM
Yeah, perhaps we should alert DWTS that they are doing it all wrong ...
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