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Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by OZ
8/30/2012  3:31:00 AM
I suppose we need to establish what is considered old. Surely Feelings sung by Shirly Bassey. Would that be considered too old as a Rumba. Have you seen Donnie Burns and Gaynor on You Tube, dancing to the Greatest Performasnce Of My life, also by Shirly Bassey. Would those two songs be consdered too old . Both of those songs are not true Rumbas, But the Feeling is there and it brings out the Performances. Let us not forget that a true Latin Orchestra has in it many more instuments than an ordinary orchestra which have not. I think one of them is called a Caracas, as well as a thing that sounds like a lot of rice being shaken in a ball type instrument.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by bmaniaci
9/12/2012  8:12:00 PM
Like I've said, I personally agree the classics are great. I am only offering some information that isn't as readily available. I can find classical music with little difficulty, to find the type of music I offer, you have to be able to either count or really, really spend time digging to get anywhere.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by SalsaRod
9/17/2012  6:07:00 AM
Hi Oz. Please don't get me wrong, i am not in any way "knocking" older music but what i am saying this that socially, outside the scope of ballroom dance events, you are much more likely to encounter more contemporary or modern music. In addition, in order to attract a younger audience to ballroom dancing and keep it alive, playing modern music which they can recognise is much more likely to attract their interest.

I dance and listen to a great deal of older music but bmaniaci's resource is very useful for finding new tunes.
Re: Modern Dance Music
Posted by rgswoohoo
10/19/2012  2:13:00 PM
Yeah, perhaps we should alert DWTS that they are doing it all wrong ...
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