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Re: Dance Syllabus
Posted by billymarsh
9/26/2012  6:14:00 AM
I'm in intermediate/ grade6 and I was wondering if there's a website to find the syllabus online?
Re: Dance Syllabus
Posted by Administrator
9/26/2012  9:22:00 AM
There is... right here!

Go to the Learning Center > Learn the Dances. Select a dance, then scroll past the dance description to the section of the page that has two tabs: "Featured Steps" and "Complete Syllabus". Click on the syllabus tab, and you will see a complete syllabus for that dance.

We have 22 dances including American and International style, ballroom and Latin, plus a few social dances. Different dances have slightly different configurations, but they all have 4 to 9 levels (mostly 6), with as many as 50 steps. All written content is free to the public, as are the videos for the first level. You can also view the videos for the second level by opening up a free user account. Videos for levels 3 and above require premium membership.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: Dance Syllabus
Posted by billymarsh
9/27/2012  12:42:00 PM
I make students keep a picture like this in their notebook.

If your feet are on the paper at the top in the empty space... and the book says you turn 3/8 to the right then when you finish that step your stepping foot and body* will be on the line that is labeled 3/8.

Each time you take a step you have to start over in the empty space at the top.

Sometimes I take sidewalk chalk and draw this life size in the floor at the studio (or if the studio owner is really uptight I go outside on the sidewalk). And students can actually SEE the rotation ratios they are making.
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