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Re: App or service
Posted by billymarsh
10/2/2012  5:26:00 AM
Well, that is good of course. But please ensure that you have "Subscription Settings Service Application" (not Secure Store) provisioned in the list of service applications in your farm.
Re: App or service
Posted by krogholm
5/2/2013  3:11:00 AM
I have recently created an iPhone app for setting up your music for a competition and on-the-fly customizing it while you're practicing.

It allows for completely random songs, while still keeping the individual dances in the specific sequence that you need. Furthermore, you can specify how long the songs should play, and how long a pause you would like between your dances. It makes for a very good competition "simulation" - but could also just be used for general practice sessions.

You can search for "Ballroom Competition Trainer" in the App Store.

Any suggestions for improvements would be very welcome!

Re: App or service
Posted by Don M
8/11/2013  4:51:00 PM
Hi krogholm,

One way that you can improve your app is by having vocal announcements that announce each dance, and invite dancers to take their place on the floor. I've found soundbytes from various competition videos posted on YouTube by ParadigmDVD, and the dancers on my team love having an actual emcee direct the rounds practice.

Just simple phrases like "And your 1st dance: The Waltz", "Music Please", and "Thank you Competitors, please take your places for your 2nd dance: The Tango".

Hope this helps!
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