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Re: Getting started
Posted by Jenn
10/8/2012  7:25:00 PM
A fellow professional/instructor/dancer/coworker doesn't want to dance? That is rather disturbing. Is he just really that busy? or too conceited? Regardless, yes there are lots of other ways.

Call some friends and offer them free lessons with the understanding that it is to allow you to practice, both your teaching and your dancing. They may also turn into paid students, and/or great sources for word-of-mouth advertising.

Dance alone. Of course this isn't ideal but don't let the absence of a partner stall your progress entirely. Practice your patterns, frame, timing, styling etc. It may not give you a lead to follow but it should be practiced even if you have a partner with whom to practice.

Throw a party. Invite friends and friends of friends to any place you can access and play your music of choice. You may find some dancers come out of the woodwork. Also, do an internet search for area social ballroom dancing groups and consider visiting other area studios as their student or guest to a social event. At the very least you are dancing often and finding ample opportunity to network by simply making friends with those who share an interest.

Many ballroom social groups and websites for them will have message boards, much like this one, where you can post a search for a partner, or read someone else's advertisement.

Good luck, congratulations and enjoy!
Re: Getting started
Posted by ballroomchick
10/10/2012  11:34:00 AM
The pros at our studio who have the time dance at the social dances. This also helps them find new students.

They also do showcase numbers with other pros at the local studio events.

The really good pros take coaching from judges.

This is what I've observed.
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