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Re: Foot Position in Laird's Technique
Posted by Guest
10/30/2012  10:22:00 PM
"...Re the Backward Walk Turning, please see man's step 3 (lady's step 6) of the basic movement...."

I'm well aware of the action used during the basic movement. I was referring to BioSimon's original issue: the Fan.

In this context, following the lady's FWD walk, I fail to see how can one consider a BWT ??

If we'll refer back to BioSimon original issue, he's got a point *if* one considers "normal FWT" as "full stride" fwd.
IMHO, the lady's position is set according to the man's lead and position, so the *action* should still be referred to as FWT.

Re: Foot Position in Laird's Technique
Posted by socialdancer
10/31/2012  9:59:00 AM
Sorry Guest, I was responding to your question: "Never heard of these terms. Can someone please clarify what is a "checked backward walk" and what is "backward walk turning" ?"

I think we are agreed that BioSimon has a point that there is inconsistency in the use of the term FWT. In his first post BioSimon gives two examples of FWT with 1/8 turn to L, starting from similar positions but ending with very different foot positions. These foot positions have effectively 1/4 body turn to L between them, which is consistent with the lady's action during a hip-twist to fan position.

Laird's introduction of the 'action used' column in his charts was very useful, but I feel it would be more beneficial and less confusing if it is only used when the action is significant. IMHO in many cases, such as the one being discussed, the attribution of an action used is rather artificial.

Out of curiosity I check Laird's 1972 Green Book, which gave more details than later editions. That gives lady's step 2 as "RF fwd and slightly to side to finish RF back and slightly to side." while the man has a leading action "Lead lady to L side by tension in both arms."

For the lady to move fwd at all requires the man's shaping which results in the overall turn of 1/8 L which is common to most basic figures. In the UK at least it is common for beginners to be taught the basic movement and Fan without this 1/8 turn (an ISTD suggestion). As a result, the lady's step 2 does tend to become a sideways or even bwd step, turning.
Re: Foot Position in Laird's Technique
Posted by BioSimon
11/1/2012  12:45:00 PM
Thanks a lot, everyone!

socialdancer, your last post totally makes sense, and has resolved my issue, thanks a lot! If the step is really taken not only forward, but also to the side, the foot position makes sense - too bad it was not described this way in the Red Book! I have been dancing for decades and I really love Walter Laird's technique, but I still find the Red Book extremely difficult to understand when checking some details.

Any idea how and where I could get my hands on the Green Book? It seems to contain much more useful information! Thanks for any suggestions!


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