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Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by docco
11/1/2012  12:17:00 AM
I am looking for the definition of "flick" (in Jive) by ISTD or WDSF.
Thanks a lot if anyone know.
Re: Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by BioSimon
11/1/2012  1:09:00 PM
As far as I know, this term usually refers to a little kick above the floor:

You lift the foot a little (starting from the knee) and then straighten the knee again in the air (as if you wanted to shake off a bug sitting on your toes... forgive me the description, but I hope it gets the idea across ;) )

Walter Laird mentions it in his book as "..a flick action from the knee, with the foot approx 15 cms off the floor..", which is then followed by a ball change.

Hope you find this helpful!

Re: Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by docco
11/1/2012  9:55:00 PM
Thanks, my purpose is not "how to do flick in Jive" but "is there any document of ISTD or IDSF/WDSF to define what is the flick".

I checked the last edition (6th) in 2003 of Latin Technique of Walter Laird but can not see any word "flick" in this book. If you see, please let me know in what edition, and page. Thanks.
Re: Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by BioSimon
11/4/2012  10:07:00 AM
Well, my copy of Walter Laird, "The Laird Technique of Latin Dancing" 6th edition 2003 does mention the word "flick" in the description of a Ball Change on page 202 under "Action Used" for both the man and the lady.
Re: Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by docco
11/4/2012  6:19:00 PM
Thanks, Walter Laird only use "Ball Change", not "Kick/Flick Ball Change" but he still use the word "flick" in action used collumn.

And for ISTD or IDSF, any one find any document related to "Flick"?
Re: Looking for the definition of "Flick"
Posted by Telemark
11/6/2012  2:05:00 AM
There is a detailed treatment of the Kick/Flick actions in the Ball Change on p223 of Hearn's 'Technique of Advanced Latin-American Figures'.
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