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Re: Speed of Jive !!!
Posted by francisd0
1/3/2013  4:23:00 PM
stay on the balls of your feet,make small chasses and use the large muscles of your legs keeping one knee flexed and the other straight.Repetition is the mother of skill,start with slower music and build up speed
Re: Speed of Jive !!!
Posted by BioSimon
1/4/2013  12:43:00 PM
Here is a simple way to gradually get used to the fast Jive chassés:

1) As a preparation, I recommend replacing all the chassés (timed QUICK-a-QUICK, in your example on 3a4 and 5a6) with single steps timed SLOW. This would change the timing of your example from "QQ QaQ QaQ" to "QQ S S").

2) Once you feel comfortable with the timing, the SLOW steps can be substituted by a tap-step movement, timed QQ (a QUICK tap in place and a QUICK step to the side). Your example then becomes "QQ tap Q tap Q". Now you have the 6 QUICK counts.

3) Finally, the tap-step movement can be replaced by a QaQ. You could start by just marking the "a" in place, just to get a feel for the QaQ timing. Gradually, as you feel more comfortable, you will find the time to do an actual chassé.

Hope you find this method useful! :)
Re: Speed of Jive !!!
Posted by O.Z.
1/8/2013  1:15:00 AM
There is a Swing of the hip to the left and to the right on the Jive Chasse. And the footork is to the left T. T. T. with the hip to the right. Then we swing the hip to the left . Thats why it is called Swing Jive. The timing is 3/4. 1/4. 1.
Re: Speed of Jive !!!
Posted by meditative_dancer04
1/10/2013  10:24:00 AM
interesting, i will try it out. At first i had a little difficulty in understanding,but it seems clear after a 2nd read.

Thank u
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